Ways to Help Kids Eat Healthier

Most parents realize that a diet of soda and candy isn’t a healthy choice. What’s a parent to do if their child is a picky eater who refuses fruit and vegetables? There are ways to help kids to eat healthier that don’t involve dramatic fights at the dinner table. Jane E. Brody wrote an article for the New York Times in August of 2015. The article is titled “Another Approach to Raising Healthy Eaters”. In this article, she shares her experience as a child who was a picky eater. She provides some enlightening insights for parents who have a child … Continue reading

The Sugar Rush Cometh

It’s Halloween in spring; otherwise known as Easter. Only, instead of going door-to-door to collect sweet treats, kids run around like decapitated chickens hunting for plastic eggs filled with chocolate goodness under bushes, in trees and behind rocks. If parents are lucky, their children will actually make it back to the hunt’s home base with at least a few pieces of uneaten candy to show for their efforts.  The unlucky moms and dads are left to pluck their kids from wherever it is they decide to plant their tiny tushes mid-hunt and picnic from a basket bulging with marshmallow chicks, … Continue reading

Forcing Americans to be Healthy

One of the things I enjoy about being an adult is the ability to make my own decisions. I also enjoy as a parent being able to make decisions about my own children. To take it a step further, I also enjoy the freedom of this country and how we are able to make our own decisions in a number of areas. Yet San Francisco has recently made the news because an ordinance has been passed which bans toys from Happy Meals that consist of high fat and high sugar foods. Now don’t get me wrong. I understand the reasoning … Continue reading

Halloween: Orange, Black and Green

The problem with buying reduced priced Halloween candy so early in October (you know, so you can cross it off your to-do list) is that you end up eating chocolate bars for breakfast. So much for being healthy… or green. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), my sugar-coated purchase is not doing a thing to help the planet… or my waistline. This year the EWG is encouraging parents across the nation to add some green to the black and orange Halloween mix by following some simple tips, including: Make Your Own Costume: The EWG discourages purchasing new Halloween getups … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: October 2008

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” – George Eliot October has come and gone, but we can still enjoy fall and the celebration of Thanksgiving and all of the great joys of the season. Take a look back at all of the ways to save money that were featured last month. October 1st Frugal Halloween Costumes It is fall and Halloween is approaching fast, are you ready? What do the kids want to be? You can make some great homemade costumes … Continue reading

Federal Government is Concerned about Schools and Food Allergies

The federal government takes action in our education system in many ways. One form that has recently hit the school systems is in the topic of nutrition. Along with the stricter guidelines that are being placed on the healthy foods that must be served in our school cafeterias, the federal government is also taking a closer look into the foods that are most likely to be allergy problems for children. While many individual schools have their own plans in place for dealing with children who have food allergies, only a few states actually have a state wide plan. Those states … Continue reading

School Board Cuts out Lunch Choices

I can remember the days of walking into the cafeteria line and picking up my tray. There were no questions of what I wanted on my plate or what I planned to eat that day. I simply got my food, sat down, and ate. Things are much different in school cafeterias today. The children walk in first thing in the morning and are given several choices for their meal that day. At 8:00 in the morning students are asked to choose between three to six meal choices. In the cafeteria the children must choose among about six different types of … Continue reading

Tag is Back in the Game!

Previously I began discussion in both article and forum form about the abolition of playing tag on the playground at Kent Gardens Elementary. The principal stopped the game after it became too aggressive. She said some students were getting hurt and others were being forced to play when they did not want to participate. The principal received many unhappy responses to her decision. While some parents were happy that the game had been stopped, others were not. The children were especially upset. They gathered a petition with over 160 names. The students held a protest and gave the principal the … Continue reading

Are You Creating More Work for Yourself?

I find that in my world there is a fine line between doing what is considered politically correct and “best” for healthy living (organic food, less packages, my own cloth grocery bags, buying locally and at the farmer’s market, etc.) and making a lot more work for my already busy self. As a single parent, I not only have to take into account what I can afford, but also what I actually have time for. Every once in a while, I realize that I am creating way more work for myself in trying to do what is considered “correct.” There … Continue reading

No More Tag at School

Many of us can likely remember the countless hours on the school playground playing games such as Red Rover and Dodge Ball. Somehow the entire class would divide up into teams and begin to destroy one another either by hitting with the ball or breaking the lock of arms. Either way we were out for the win. Some students left school with bruises, bloody noses, scraps, and cuts. However the concept of dividing up and playing as a team stood strong and was important in our learning how to get along in the world. Today you will not see those … Continue reading