Do You Support Zero Tolerance?

Many schools have adopted zero tolerance rules. Zero tolerance means that no exceptions are allowed and all cases are treated with the same seriousness. Since zero tolerance rules were placed, there have been many discussions and controversies over whether or not the rule is fair. Most zero tolerance rules deal with violence and drugs. Deciding if zero tolerance is a good policy or a bad policy is a hard decision. While most of us think that there should be no exceptions for violence or drugs at school, there are some unique cases to consider. When most people think of drugs … Continue reading

Topical Whensday: When Will YOU Tee On to Cause an Effect?

It’s Wednesday and a GREAT day to wear that cause related Tee Shirt that you bought to support a worthy group. Where is it now? Stuffed in the back of the cupboard or in the pyjama drawer? When will you drag it out? Today is WHENSDAY, the perfect day to find it. In Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia, every Friday is Tropical Friday. A town that thrives on tropical and eco tourism, business houses, staff and individuals challenge each other to don the antithesis of formal dress: to frolic in the relaxed attire of holiday bliss, the tropical shirt and … Continue reading

Education A to Z: Z for Zero Tolerance Going Too Far?

My final blog in the Education A to Z blog series. I want to focus today on zero tolerance. Let me start by stating that I truly support schools in their plan of zero tolerance. I think it is a great idea, but am I the only one who thinks, at times, that schools go too far with making a point or in their stance on zero tolerance? I agree it keeps kids more safe in school and it shows kids that certain behaviors will just not be tolerated at school. However, there are cases when schools may have gone … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: November 3 – November 9

This time of the year, schools are full of holiday activities and breaks. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and then the children begin gearing up for Christmas. Keep reading for school holiday fun. Saturday, November 3 Do You Support Zero Tolerance? This is a tough one. No one likes the idea of drugs or violence in our schools. However, no one likes to see innocent children receive the extreme punishment. Sunday, November 4 Is Your Child Involved in Too Many Activities? Some children are playing three sports, taking lessons, and trying to do homework. They simply are exhausted. If … Continue reading

Attitudes Portray that Rapists Can’t Control Urges

A recent study of 2000 Victorian (Australia) adults supports that ALMOST two in five people think that men who rape do so because they can’t control their urges. The Violence Against Women Community Attitudes Project also discovered that one in four people believe domestic violence is acceptable as long as the perpetrator genuinely regrets it afterwards. Is it any wonder then that one in five women will experience intimate partner violence in their relationship? Chief Executive Officer of VicHealth, Dr Rob Moodie, sadly stated that the attitudinal figures showed negative attitudes that cause harm to women are still prevalent in … Continue reading

Putting on a Brave Face: Children with Facial Disfigurements

Facial disfigurements can be caused by birth defects, genetic conditions, or traumatic injuries. Parents of children with facial disfigurements feel a tremendous amount of pain for their child’s sake. That’s because they recognize that going out into the world with a facial difference takes an enormous amount of courage. Children with facial differences are often teased, bullied, humiliated, and shunned. “I know what it is to be left out of things. On more than one occasion, kids would whisper behind my back, sometimes even throw things at me. I never knew what it was like to have a boyfriend much … Continue reading