Christmas Shopping for Your Child’s Teacher

Now that Thanksgiving is over, the countdown to Christmas is on, and that means parents are under even more pressure to cram as much as humanly possible into a 24-hour period. For many moms and dads that means more Bah! Humbug! than fa-la-la-la-la, but such is the society-driven hoopla surrounding the birth of Christ. In addition to cooking, cleaning and coordinating school holiday concert schedules, parents must rack their brains to come up with meaningful gifts for grandparents, aunts, uncles, pizza delivery men and other major influences in their child’s life. What’s more, most of us also feel obligated to … Continue reading

What Annoys You the Most About Back-to-School?

Forget about the Dyson, I should have asked Santa for a label maker for Christmas. Not that the big guy delivered on my uber vacuum Christmas wish (cue Barbie Dream House flashback). Still, I might have had a better chance of scoring the less expensive “mom tool.” It sure would have come in handy a few days ago when I was forced to label nearly 100 individual school supplies. Did I mention I only have one kid… and she’s in kindergarten. HALF-DAY KINDEGARTEN! I’m not here to kvetch about the inordinate amount of items (in my opinion) needed to educate … Continue reading

How to Make Christmas Gifts with a Toddler and Preschooler

Last night we decided to wander around a few area stores to see if the rumored discounts were really as good ad we were lead to believe. One of your stops was Target, where we scoped out some gifts for our youngest child, who always seems to get the shortest end of the stick when it comes to new toys and clothes. I also needed to pick up a secret santa gift. Our middle child, the preschooler, really wanted to pick out some gifts for the rest of the family. Some of the ideas she had included a new bed … Continue reading

Santa vs. Generous Grandparents

Who needs Santa when you’ve got grandparents? There have been many times when I have seriously considered hiding some of the dozens of Christmas presents my parents have sent my daughter and attaching gift tags that read, “From: Santa Claus” and sticking them under the tree on December 25th. My parent’s generosity is overwhelming… not that I’m complaining (my kid sure isn’t). It’s just that it’s getting harder and harder for me… I mean Santa… to compete with grandma and grandpa when it comes to holiday gift giving. For the record I should note that my 4-year-old is very blessed … Continue reading

The Santa Threat

It happened in a blink of an eye. I just couldn’t help myself. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve become one of those parents… a full-fledged adult who uses Santa Claus as a behavior modifier. I’ve tried to console myself by thinking of the millions of other parents who fall into the same trap this time of year. Still, I feel bad that in a moment of weakness I pulled out the Santa card and used it on my 4-year-old. The day started out so innocently. I had a list of errands to complete, including mailing out our … Continue reading

Another Reason to Encourage Your Kids to WRITE a Letter to Santa

In a previous blog I vented… rather, shared my feelings regarding the influx of websites encouraging kids to go high-tech and email their letters to Santa instead of writing them by hand and shipping them off via snail mail. Frankly, I find the whole Santa email idea a bit insulting. It’s a slap in the face of parents and teachers who work tirelessly to encourage children to practice their penmanship. Think about it; what better incentive to get your kindergartener to master spelling, printing and word order than actually putting pen (or pencil or crayon) to paper and jotting down … Continue reading

Options for School Christmas Gift Exchange

In my article yesterday I discussed having Christmas parties at school. I also talked about the complications that can come with exchanging Christmas gifts among the students in your classroom. There are other options for teachers who wish to continue to carry out the tradition of student gifts but feel that a variation is needed from drawing names or bringing boy or girl gifts for exchange. One such variation is asking parents to send a small item for each child in the class. For example if your classroom has 18 students, each child will bring 18 of the same items. … Continue reading

School Christmas Gift Exchange

Most teachers and schools have some type of Christmas party for their students. Due to a recent urge to encourage students to eat healthier, many parties throughout the year are not planned. However, Christmas is a special occasion and almost every celebrates the last day before Christmas vacation. In younger grades, Christmas parties are thought to be equipped with a gift exchange set up by the teacher. Older students usually bring gifts for friends and create their own gift exchange among groups of students. Some students may receive several gifts. This can be bad for students who do not receive … Continue reading

Santa Shop at School

Some schools have many different activities and events for students while other schools only carry out the minimum. I would have to say that my school is average in having activities for the students. We have Christmas programs, music programs, sporting events, and more. Some schools are very creative with the things that they plan. For a while I had though that my school had invented a new idea. Each year at Christmas time, this week this year, my school hosts a Santa Shop. In previous years the shop was hosted by the school. This year it is hosted by … Continue reading

Teaching Your Children to Manage Money with Christmas Shopping

One easy way to begin to teach your children about budgeting is to sit down and help them plan out a Christmas budget. This can work for older elementary children, as well as teenagers. If you are helping your children to buy Christmas presents for their friends and family members this is a great way to help limit the spending, while still giving your child freedom to make their own choices regarding gifts. You may want to start by deciding with your child who she will be giving gifts to. You should take into consideration Secret Santa exchanges that may … Continue reading