Education Week in Review: May 24 – May 30

This week’s focus has continued in reading but also taken several other turns. I discuss the possibility of schools beginning four-day weeks and take a peek into why dads are not as involved in their child’s education as moms. Check out below if you missed an article or two! Saturday, May 24 Would Four Day Weeks Work? Some school systems have considered creating four day weeks for students instead of five. In this article I take a look into the question of would these weeks be beneficial. Sunday, May 25 Concerns about Four Day Weeks In continuation of the last … Continue reading

School Board Cuts out Lunch Choices

I can remember the days of walking into the cafeteria line and picking up my tray. There were no questions of what I wanted on my plate or what I planned to eat that day. I simply got my food, sat down, and ate. Things are much different in school cafeterias today. The children walk in first thing in the morning and are given several choices for their meal that day. At 8:00 in the morning students are asked to choose between three to six meal choices. In the cafeteria the children must choose among about six different types of … Continue reading