Teaching Beauty

What do you think about when you teach science? Do you think that you’re helping children understand the world, methodically and in a practical fashion, going through the families of plants and the different groups of animals? Is science a way of categorizing the world and helping it make sense? Do you think that you’re helping children change the world, creating science experiments that may lead to solutions to global problems? Are your children going to create cures for diseases and reduce the pollution from vehicles? Is science a way into the minds of the past and the great minds … Continue reading

Teaching Today’s Children Differently

I enjoy poetry, card sayings, and quotes from others. Some are very interesting, some are funny, and some are very clever. Recently I came across a quote that caught my attention and greatly touched me. The quote was made by John Dewey and said the following: ?if we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow This quote is so true. Everything in our world is continuously changing. We cannot expect the methods and topics of the past to meet the needs of our children today and prepare them for the future. However, there are some … Continue reading

Teaching Children in the Changing World

I have been teaching for eight years. Although compared to some teachers, I have probably seen very little in my eight years of teaching. Yet I can definitely see a change in the children each year. I can also see a major change in the family lifestyle and home. It appears that children are becoming much more demanding and controlling. They are more rebellious and defiant. The lifestyle is more hectic and busy and the home lives are more confusing and unusual. There are children with several different members living in their home. There are children who live with aunts, … Continue reading

Disney’s Recent Racial Controversies

Disney might be considered a family-friendly company, but that doesn’t mean it’s free from all controversy.  When it comes to its own properties, Disney is far from perfect, and there have been some big examples in the past year. The first has to do with “Princess Sofia,” and it’s not over whether or not she’s teaching princess obsession to toddlers.  I didn’t comment on the story for a while because the details kept changing, but things have seemed to settle down.  In the fall, promotional images of the film were released.  They revealed that Sofia’s mother had darker skin, eyes, … Continue reading

Marrying Young

If you support your child’s decisions does that mean that you agree with them? My daughter is getting married, she is only 18. We all think she is too young, they are both too young, does that mean we refuse to participate or do we support them but let them know that we wish they would wait? This is where I am right now. My only child has decided to get married. I tried to talk her out of it, not because I don’t like her boyfriend but because at 18 and 20 I feel that they are too young. … Continue reading

Home Schooling with a Toddler in Tow

Have you ever been teaching algebra and been interrupted by the sound of your toddler riffling through your bookcase? Or teaching biology and look up to see your walls decorated with Crayola markers, complements of your toddler? Or worse yet, realize you have not taught a decent day of school since your baby turned into a toddler? Home schooling is not for the faint of heart. Our families are constantly changing, growing, and living life in between fractions and Moby Dick. One of the biggest changes a home schooling family can go through is the addition of a new baby. … Continue reading

Single Parenting and Your Growing Child: It is Time for the Talk

Single parenting, oh the joys! Another job that we cannot pawn off on anyone else and that is “The Talk”. It helps if you are divorced in this case and the other parent is involved, but what if there is no other parent? Yes, I am afraid to tell you, you are it, again. Talking to your kids about growing up is probably one of the least favorite things that you will do as a parent. It is not too uncomfortable for the parent, but it is usually uncomfortable for the child. Because it is uncomfortable for them, we are … Continue reading

The New Face of Education

I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself as the new face of education here at families.com. I bring to the table not only years of experience as a student, but also as a teacher for 12 years and now a parent of five students ranging in grades 4th-8th grade. I have also homeschooled one child for three years. Education is definitely a passion of mine, and since I have been all over the educational spectrum, I’m here to hopefully provide you with answers and tips, as well as information. As a teacher, I have years of combined experience … Continue reading

More Kindergarten Reading Skills

My huge focus thus far for education has been on reading. There is much more to reading and reading instruction than many parents and some teachers realize. Reading is an integral part of a child’s success and education. In previous articles I have described various areas of reading such as phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. I then began taking you for a look into reading at different grade levels. In one of my more recent articles I gave you some insight on how reading should be carried out in the kindergarten classroom. I also began listing some reading skills that … Continue reading

Third Grade Science Curriculum Part 1

Here at the topics that should be covered in third grade science, according to the World Book encyclopedia website. The internet holds hundreds of free lesson plans and resources that you can use to teach your student these topics. Some of my favorite sites for teaching third grade science concepts are brainpop.com which is a subscription based website. Kids.gov is has many environmental science activities for your kids and Free.ed.gov has many lesson plans for teachers that homeschoolers can use. Below are the lesson suggestions along with my ideas for teaching them. Animal helpers: Teach children about seeing eye and … Continue reading