Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice

Nearly a year after I first heard about it ABC has finally aired Disney’s newest television Christmas special: “Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice.” If you recall, the “Prep & Landing” universe introduces Santa’s elite special ops group of elves, the guys and gals in charge of preparing houses for Santa’s arrival, so that his gift-leaving goes smoothly. Using James Bond-style technology, holiday-themed code names, and sleek spy moves, these elves are the cream of the crop. In the follow up to 2009’s special, “Naughty vs. Nice” introduces another aspect of the Christmas corps: the Cole Elf Brigade. You see, … Continue reading

Interview with “The Sing-off” Contestants, Vocal Point, Part One

Are you watching this season’s competition on “The Sing-Off?” If you’re not, you’re missing a treat. Sixteen talented a capella groups were featured on the premiere, with two groups voted off to start. Tonight, the battle continues, and one of the remaining competitors has my heart—and the heart of my family—all the way. Named Vocal Point, this group of nine young men from nearby Brigham Young University has the chops—and the lungs—to make it all the way. I was honored to interview three of these guys this last week, and I appreciate them for taking time out of taping and … Continue reading

Cultivating Your Testimony

Testimonies are very fragile. They need to be cultivated on a daily basis. There are times when it seems that you are strong, but seem to forget the need to continually nourish your testimony. It is also easy to push your testimony to the back burner as you struggle to meet the daily demands of being a parent. The simple fact is that the most important thing you can do each day is to nourish your testimony. You can do this by studying the scriptures and praying. Of course your children needs must be met, so you may need to … Continue reading

Television Test Prep

Most school staff members and teachers will claim that students watch too much television. However, one middle school claims that television is the way to test preparation and learning. After the 2007 test scores showed William Wirt Middles School falling short both in English and math, the school decided a new review and test prep study was needed. Each Thursday, the school shows a one hour prerecorded lesson to its students. The teachers at the school alternate teaching the lesson. The lesson is televised to all classes and students in the school. This way the teachers can be assured that … Continue reading

Preparing for a Chemical Disaster

Recently there was a massive fire at hazardous waste disposal plant near my home. Fortunately my family was too far away to be in any danger from the fire, and the pollutants (mainly because it rained, and that took the chemicals out of the air. However, I do know people who were evacuated from their homes as a result of this incident. It is important to be prepared for such an event in your area. Here are four things you should do to prepare for this type of emergency. 1) First you need to find out if this could happen … Continue reading

Lending a Helping Hand

“Charity begins at home.” If I had a dime for each time my parents used that expression while I was growing up, I’d be rich enough to start my own charity. Its repetition was annoying, but effective nonetheless. My brothers and I learned the value of loyalty, and the importance of taking care of the people close to you. Now that I’m a parent, I try to provide opportunities for my child to lend a hand at home, so that when it comes time to help others outside our inner sanctum, she jumps at the chance without giving it a … Continue reading

Princess Sofia the First: Let’s Hope She’s the Last

Next year Princess Sofia the First, the newest and youngest of Disney’s royalty, will make her debut. She’s going to star in a movie that will air sometime in the next few months on both the Disney Channel and Disney Junior. Her royal highness is only still just a child, with her main peer group (i.e., the ages at which Sofia is directed) being children between the ages of 2 and 7. Sofia’s a true Disney original; unlike any of her predecessors she’s not based on a pre-existing character from a fairy tale, myth, or historical event. She’s going to … Continue reading

Disney as Christmas Americana

What is it about Disney and Christmas? The two just seem to go together. I was at the post office last week, and while waiting in line I noticed that I could purchase two holiday-designed wrapping paper sets. One of them featured Disney characters. I can’t think of any other brand for which it wouldn’t seem weird to see its characters plastered all over Christmas-themed items. Yet the more I think about it, the more instances I recall of Disney and Christmas intersecting. For years we had Disney ornaments on our tree; some of them were actually thematically-appropriate, with Goofy … Continue reading

Pet Diabetes on the Rise

Diabetes runs in my family. Even though I’m only in my mid-20s, I’ve tried to start being conscious about what I eat so I can hopefully prevent the onset of the disease, or at least have an easier transition into a diabetes-friendly diet should I need to do so. While I’m prepared for the fact that one day I might learn I have diabetes, it never occurred to me that one of our pets might come down with it as well. That’s right: dogs and cats can get diabetes, and it’s on the rise in canines. MSNBC Health has a … Continue reading

A Disney Christmas

It seems like this year Disney’s not rolling out anything special for Christmas. Decorations and celebrations at the parks started at least as soon as Thanksgiving passed, if not earlier, and the Christmas Day Parade filmed at the beginning of December. Holiday-themed posts are rare on the official Disney Parks blog. With Christmas starting so early around Disney, by the time the actual dates for the holidays roll around there isn’t much to report. Even Disney’s televised Christmas special retreads last year’s material. However, that might not be such a bad thing. I loved the premise of “Prep & Landing” … Continue reading