School Board Cuts out Lunch Choices

I can remember the days of walking into the cafeteria line and picking up my tray. There were no questions of what I wanted on my plate or what I planned to eat that day. I simply got my food, sat down, and ate. Things are much different in school cafeterias today. The children walk in first thing in the morning and are given several choices for their meal that day. At 8:00 in the morning students are asked to choose between three to six meal choices. In the cafeteria the children must choose among about six different types of … Continue reading

Tips for Teachers: More Ideas for Lunch Choices

In my last Tips for Teachers article, I began offering advice on how teachers can turn over the responsibility of making a lunch choice to the students. I first described how I use a chart type lunch choice system. For upper grades, the choices can be written. In lower grades the teacher can announce the choices or use picture cards. In other classes, I have seen teachers decorate cans (such as coffee cans). Each child has a stick with their name on it. The children place the stick in the can titled with their choice for the day. I have … Continue reading

Tips for Teachers: Lunch Choices

Earlier I began a new section in education at This section is titled Tips for Teachers. In this section I have been offering advice for teachers based on my own experience and the experience of others. I have found throughout the years that the more responsibility the teacher can place on the students the faster and easier tasks can be accomplished. Such tasks that come to mind when I think of handing over some duties to the students include morning routines. Most schools require teachers to collect money, take attendance, and record a lunch count for the day. These … Continue reading

School Cafeterias are Losing Money

It is a growing trend for more and more students to bring their lunch to school. More and more parents are packing up lunch boxes rather than paying the cafeteria for their children’s lunch. Some parents pack lunches due to picky eaters while others are simply being cost conscious. For whatever the reason, cafeterias are taking note. Cafeterias are noticing the trend. They say that they are being forced to give students more options and better food in order to try to increase the number of children who purchase lunch from them. My school cafeteria presently offers two entrees and … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: January 12 – January 18

The mornings on the school bus are now very cold. The coats, gloves, and hats fill the classroom. However, the news in education continues to be hot. Check out below for topics from this week. Sunday, January 13 Helping Children in Need In this article I discussed how many organizations help children during the holiday months. However, I am proud that a local organization sends food home with my school’s needy students every Friday. School for Special Needs Adults Opens Business We are all very aware that some children have special needs. In elementary school we do all that we … Continue reading