Summer of Learning

My daughter brought home the school calendar for the month of April a couple of days ago and I was shocked to see that preschool graduation takes place at the end of the month. Where has the year gone? Where have the years gone? My daughter is in first grade this year; however, I remember her preschool years like they were yesterday. Granted, she’s not far removed from the days spent playing with salt dough every day, but time still seems to fly at breakneck speed. I remember how petrified I was during the summer prior to her entering kindergarten. … Continue reading

Homeschool Questions and Answers: Homeschooling a Kindergartener

Question: I just quit my job to be a stay at home to a 5 year old and a one year old. I have very seriously thought about homeschooling for next year’s k-5 but I really need help to start. Can you please pass on any information that could help me make my decision easier and where to start on learning? Answer: If you are planning to homeschool your child next year after preschool, then you have some time do a bit of research. My advice for a mom considering starting homeschooling is that you should read up on different … Continue reading

More Tips for Selecting Books

Previously I had listed some tips on helping children make good book selections from the library. Finding the right book and getting a child involved in a story that he or she enjoys is one of the best ways to motivate the desire to read. Here I have a few more tips to offer before you head off to the library! Talk with friends. Look for other children your child’s age and see what they are interested in reading. Seeing others interested in reading may also help to encourage your own child to read more. Talk with teachers. Ask teachers … Continue reading

Tips for Selecting Books

Recently I discussed the concern that the number of children who read for fun is decreasing. It seems that the older children get, the less they enjoy reading. While many different factors may contribute to why children do not find reading fun, one problem that many children face is finding the right book. There are some things that both parents and teachers can do to help children when selecting a book to read. Before taking your next trip to the library, discuss with your child the importance of careful book selection and about book browsing before making a choice. Use … Continue reading

Fewer Children Read for Fun

I have spent a lot of time and article space on reading lately. In those articles I have discussed the various aspects in reading and reading instruction. However one thing that I have not fully addressed is the fact that children should enjoy reading and read for fun. Sadly fewer and fewer children are finding that reading is fun. In fact, recent surveys show that the number of 17 year old children that admit they rarely or never read for fun has rose from 9% to 19% over the past twenty years. As children grow older the desire to read … Continue reading

Michigan Toughens-Up on High School Graduation Requirements

It seems that everywhere we look in education, the requirements are toughing and higher standards are being placed into lower grade levels. While kindergarten children are now learning to read and seventh and eighth grade children are taking high school math courses, high school students are also facing tougher requirements to graduate. Just recently, seventh grade students in Tennessee attended meetings with their parents about new graduation requirements for high school diplomas. Michigan too is seeing some new standards placed into the high school credit requirements for a graduating diploma. Some students feel that they are being forced to fit … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: June 1- June 6

This week education has taken a look into more reading skills, field trips, and education in the news. Check out below for anything that you may have missed out on during your summer fun! Sunday, June 1 Reading and the First Grade Classroom I continue my series of primary level reading by examining first grade students and classrooms along with the skills they should learn. PORTS Allows for Virtual Field Trips California state parks allow teachers and students the opportunity to visit and interact with a park ranger without ever leaving the school building. Monday, June 2 What Reading Skills … Continue reading

What Reading Skills Should Your First Grade Child Learn?

When discussing the kindergarten classroom, I gave an overview of skills that most children should be able to carry out by the end of their kindergarten year. These skills are the skills that lead to a successful reader. However they are only to be used as a guideline to measure your child’s level. The following are skills that children should be able to do at the end of their first grade year. Books By this age, children should be able to distinguish between individual letters and words. They should be very well aware that letters are placed in a certain … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: May 24 – May 30

This week’s focus has continued in reading but also taken several other turns. I discuss the possibility of schools beginning four-day weeks and take a peek into why dads are not as involved in their child’s education as moms. Check out below if you missed an article or two! Saturday, May 24 Would Four Day Weeks Work? Some school systems have considered creating four day weeks for students instead of five. In this article I take a look into the question of would these weeks be beneficial. Sunday, May 25 Concerns about Four Day Weeks In continuation of the last … Continue reading

More Kindergarten Reading Skills

My huge focus thus far for education has been on reading. There is much more to reading and reading instruction than many parents and some teachers realize. Reading is an integral part of a child’s success and education. In previous articles I have described various areas of reading such as phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. I then began taking you for a look into reading at different grade levels. In one of my more recent articles I gave you some insight on how reading should be carried out in the kindergarten classroom. I also began listing some reading skills that … Continue reading