Study: Kids Raised by Single Moms do as Well as Kids Raised by Two Parents

A study that was published by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology found that children of single mothers are no more likely to suffer later in life than kids raised by a mother and a father “in terms of parent-child relationship or child development.” Researchers from the University of Amsterdam looked at 69 “single-mothers-by-choice.” By that, they meant women who knowingly chose to raise their child alone. The researchers also looked at 59 mothers from heterosexual two-parent families. All of the parents in the study had children between the ages of 1.5 years of age and 6 years … Continue reading

Great Frugal Gifts for Teachers

Honor your favorite teachers with thoughtful gifts without going broke. Don’t forget the bus driver, the nurse and anyone else who has taken care of your child this year. The gifts don’t have to be large, and they don’t have to be expensive. Just put a little creativity and thought into each one, and you’ll create a lasting impression, as well as brighten up the day for a special person in your child’s life. Group Present This year, organize a group present. You can do this formally, through the home room moms for a class, or informally, such as asking … Continue reading

Meet the Teachers Night

All our parents visited during the last three weeks of July. Having so much extended family around is exhausting. I wish we lived closer to all our families so everyone could see everyone more. In the meantime, visits are infrequent and packed full of activity. One of my favorite moms’ group events, Manicures and Munchies, was not long after all the parents had departed. I wanted to go, but didn’t buy my ticket fast enough. I wanted Chris to be well rested first. By the time I went to buy, the event was sold out. I was disappointed, but it … Continue reading

How Do You Thank Priceless Teachers?

A couple weeks before school let out for summer break I received a note asking for money in order to buy my first grader’s teacher a thank you present. I love that the room moms take up a collection, as it takes the pressure off busy parents, and allows the teacher to score a gift worth more than a couple of bucks. I am all for pitching in for the class gift, and sent in money right away. In addition, my daughter drew her teacher a lovely card and we shipped in a couple lei from Hawaii. Honestly, my daughter’s … Continue reading

When Teachers Fail to Make the Mark

You know you’re in trouble when your child’s teacher behaves worse than your child. Whereas most parents realize that neither the public nor the private school system is 100 percent sound, I think it’s reasonable to expect that a child should not be subject to violence or ridicule within the confines of a classroom. Obviously, this has not been the case in the past. The news is filled with stories of teachers who duct tape their students’ mouths shut in class to stop them from talking, educators who push kids against walls when they don’t do as they are told … Continue reading

Home School Blogger Spotlight: Kindergarten Works

Kindergarten Works is a blog written by a real live Kindergarten teacher. Leslie makes the sacrifice of time to show us how a traditional Kindergarten classroom works. Now, I used the term “traditional” loosely. Traditional from the standpoint that her classroom is in a school building and not a dining room like many homeschooling Kindergarten moms, however, if images of students seated at desks with their little hands folded in front of them quietly listening to the teacher enter your mind quickly dismiss them. Leslie brings lessons to life. This teacher is the one. The one you want for your … Continue reading

Multiple Teachers

This semester I’m teaching a course with two other instructors. It is a unique and interesting course blending all of the fine arts into a collection of humanities credits through multiple instructors. I just recently taught during our first class period. As with most first days it was spent on getting to know one another, getting familiar with the syllabus, and laying out the groundrules for the semester. Pretty standard stuff. One of the difficult things for me, as an instructor, was sharing the floor with other people. My teaching style is one based on my own personality creating a … Continue reading

When Teachers Compare Siblings

Prejudging students by looks, other teachers’ comments, or by family association is not a good idea. However in many cases it does happen. How many of you with older brothers or sisters have ever had your teachers compare you to them? In some areas students and families are in and out of schools so much that teachers never see two siblings in their classroom. However other areas are more well grounded and families stay much or all of their lives. In some cases a teacher may have the opportunity to teach a parent and all of the children. I have … Continue reading

When Teachers are Moms

Being a teacher can have many pros and cons. I love my job and would not trade with anyone else in the world (however I would trade salaries with a few people!) One aspect of being a teacher that many moms must learn to overcome is that fact that children are a constant part of your life. While it is very important for moms and teachers to love and enjoy children, the time spent with children each day can get overwhelming. Teachers have very little time away from their students each day. They usually get a thirty-minute lunch break and … Continue reading

End of the Year Ideas for Teachers

This time of year, many teachers and school staff members are planning special programs for the students and their parents. Many teachers have a special end of the year memoir for their students. This article is directed more toward those teachers or the room moms that help those teachers. In this article, I would like to share some ideas that I have seen or used in the past. Some ideas will require pictures from the entire year. If you do not have pictures this year, remember to start making lots of pictures next school year! Month Picture Book Create a … Continue reading