Get Kids Involved in Christmas Prep

As the days dwindle down to Christmas, kids can do more than just sit around and look cute. Since the countdown to Christmas is typically a chaotic period, why not channel your child’s creative energy to help lighten your load? The following hands-on activities are ideal for moms, dads and kids to bond. What’s more, the projects give youngsters the gift of inclusion. Kids love feeling like they are part of the hoopla surrounding this hectic time of the year, so get them started on these seasonal decorations: Popcorn Wreaths: Cut out a large circle from a piece of heavy … Continue reading

Society’s Perception: Moms vs. Dads

So much has been said and written about author Rahna Reiko Rizzuto’s decision to give up primary physical custody of her kids, so she could move to Japan to pursue her career—–most of it is far from flattering. Actually, most of it is scathing. In her book, “Hiroshima in the Morning,” Rizzuto explains why she “didn’t want to be a mother” anymore and what precipitated her decision to leave her husband and two young kids, so she could interview atomic bomb survivors in Japan. According to Rizzuto, she left her family for four months in order to complete research for … Continue reading

Why are Dads not as Involved as Moms?

One noticeable trend that I have seen since teaching and working in education is that there is a major shortage of father participation. When it comes to volunteering for field trip chaperones, volunteering for classroom helpers, and writing teacher notes, moms seem to be at the top of the list. So what is it about a child’s education that seems to turn fathers off from taking control? I have several ideas. First, work comes into play. There are many more stay at home moms than dads. Some dads would love to participate but simply cannot. They work so that their … Continue reading

Happy Father’s Day Mom

Today was Father’s Day. I spent the day having a BBQ with some friends, none of our children were in attendance. We are single mothers, this is not our day. Yet for many of us, it still is. Getting your child for a day or two a month is not what it takes to be a father. Sending a child support check but not coming to their choir performance, is not what makes a father. Just like being a mother, being a father is made up of a million little things, most that we do without thinking. My daughter has … Continue reading

When Parents Act Like Children

And people wonder why helicopter parents exist… I am THAT Mom when it comes to school field trips. My second grader has yet to take a class trip without me. I will chaperone school excursions until she graduates from high school, if the school allows it. And if there comes a day when school administrators put the kibosh on having parents supervise students, I’ll probably still show up because you can’t stop moms and dads from being present at public venues, right? Hovering be damned; I refuse to allow this to happen to my kid… or this: According to news … Continue reading

Playing Safe in the Snow

When was the last time you yelled for your child to strap on a helmet as he ran out the door to go sledding? Perhaps the better question is: Have you ever mandated that your child wear a helmet while sledding? Parents could do a better job keeping their kids safe, as they participate in outdoor winter activities, according to the folks at the Center on Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Forcing a child to wear a helmet while sledding, skiing or snowboarding may seem more “overprotective” than “safe” to some moms and dads, but doctors disagree, … Continue reading

Poor Parenting Or Just Evil?

People do stupid things… and parents are no exception. However, there comes a point when you wonder where the line is drawn between poor parenting techniques and seriously deranged moms and dads who are inherently evil. My fellow blogger Andrea and I have written dozens of posts that feature parents who exhibit questionable behavior when it comes to raising their offspring. In some cases it’s hard to tell if their actions—-many of which fuel news headlines and land them in jail-—are the result of in-the-moment bad parenting decision making, stupidity, selfishness or a combination of all three. Case in point: … Continue reading

How Often are you Mad at Dad?

“I don’t need a husband… what I need is a wife.” How often have you heard your frustrated mom friends utter that doozy? Or, are you the one who constantly complains about your hubby’s lack of parental involvement? If so, you aren’t alone–far from it, in fact. According to a new study, nearly 52% of women report being angry with their husbands at least once a week. That number increases to more than 60% among moms with kids under the age of one. So why are moms so mad at dad? According to the survey: 44% of moms feel angry … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: May 24 – May 30

This week’s focus has continued in reading but also taken several other turns. I discuss the possibility of schools beginning four-day weeks and take a peek into why dads are not as involved in their child’s education as moms. Check out below if you missed an article or two! Saturday, May 24 Would Four Day Weeks Work? Some school systems have considered creating four day weeks for students instead of five. In this article I take a look into the question of would these weeks be beneficial. Sunday, May 25 Concerns about Four Day Weeks In continuation of the last … Continue reading

Data Entry Scams

Data entry is one of the most prevalent job openings on the Internet. Every job board you go to has got ten, twenty, thirty job openings for data entry, sometimes even more. I have bad news: I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that 99.99% of these jobs are scams. Makes ya want to sit down and just cry, I know. The way the data entry scam works is you read an ad saying that this company is hiring typists, you can make really good money for almost nothing, and all you have to do to get the info … Continue reading