Free Vacations for Teachers

  It’s said that teaching is among the most underpaid and underappreciated careers in the world.  The men and women who help shape our children’s futures are often overworked, and in a time when the economy is incredibly dismal, the idea of an educator spending precious cash on a luxury vacation is almost laughable. Well, if you are a creative leader in the classroom, who has always dreamed of traveling to the ends of the earth, get ready to smile. Thanks to Hilton HHonors, you can jet-off on a vacation to remember for FREE.  This year, the company is giving … Continue reading

Teaching Your Child About Patriotism

As a child I always enjoyed the 4th of July festivities, but I never really understood what they were for until I was much older. I hadn’t yet learned to appreciate all of the freedoms we are so fortunate to experience in this great country. I was unaware of the sacrifices that were being made by people all around me so that we could enjoy these freedoms. As I have gotten older and gained some life experience, I have gained a deep appreciation for the men and women who have fought for our country so that my son and I … Continue reading

Teaching Respect

Have you ever been in a public place and watched a young child, or even a teenager talk to his or her parent with a complete lack of respect? I always feel bad for the mom but I feel worse for the child. Someone has taught him that this behavior is not only acceptable, but a normal way to get what you want. As a single mother it’s hard to be the only disciplinarian but we must do it. How our children treat us now is a reflection of how they will treat us and other adults when they are … Continue reading

Why Won’t My Toddler Behave?

As your children transition from being infants to being toddlers, there will come a time when you realize that it is time to think about discipline. Your toddler needs you to help him or her learn what the rules and boundaries are, and to teach him or her to behave appropriately. This is often easier said than done, and many parents become frustrated and confused when their attempts at disciplining their toddler are not effective. The good news is that there is a lot of information and advice out there on the topic of discipline. The bad news is that … Continue reading

What Did My Fathers Teach Me?

What did my fathers teach me? Well, because they were human, they taught me both positive and negative things. It pays to break down what they taught me. Of course, my fifteen years of fathering imparts a few lessons, as well. Here are the lessons, positive and negative mingled: From my biological father – if you have lost your children, for any reason, don’t give up looking for them until you find them. Be ready to respect their differences of opinion – especially if you are very opinionated yourself and/or are from a family of strongly opinionated people. From my … Continue reading

Adventure to Inspire – Homeschool Blog Review

Over the last month, I’ve had the chance to talk with ToriAnn Perkey, homeschooling mom who runs the blog Adventure to Inspire. As we’ve chatted, we’ve investigated her reasons for choosing homeschool for her family, and today I’d like to talk about the blog itself. I was first introduced to the blog by her husband, Josh. I’m usually a little leery when someone says, “Hey, my wife blogs. Check it out.” But I’ve known and respected Josh for a long time, so I headed on over. What I found was an awesome resource. There are articles sharing thoughts and ideas, … Continue reading

I’m The Mom, That’s Why.

Some days are not my favorite. I absolutely hate punishing my daughter. The house feels like a war zone when it is just the two of us and she is not speaking to me because I’m not being fair. Sometimes I have no choice but to punish her, take away privileges, ground her from something fun. That is when I become the meanest mother in the world. I am constantly second guessing myself.  Was I too hard on her? Did I overreact? Is this just a normal stage and not something I need to head off at the pass? It … Continue reading

We’re Broke! Why Do We Need a Financial Planner? Part 2

Once you have made the commitment to achieving financial independence and have selected your advisor, the next step is the discovery interview. It is at this point that your planner will be attempting to ascertain how you feel about money. While that may sound pretty straightforward, money is a highly charged matter for most of us; it has come to represent many of the key structures of our lives—like security, safety, power, prestige, independence, and even love. In American society, money—how much we have, how we earn it, and how we spend it—has become a stand-in for our moral character. … Continue reading

Parents Please Teach Your Teens to be Leaders

Years ago, a family member lost his college scholarship because he was caught with friends who were doing something illegal. This person had alot of “the wrong place, the wrong time incedents”. There is a young man in my county who is being prosecuted for an attack on a young woman and her baby. He dropped off two “friends” and left them at the residence. I just heard about two teenage boys being charged for some very serios crimes because friends asked them to help get something back from a girlfriend. The simple breaking and entering escalated into something ugly. … Continue reading

Show Some Respect

Recently FatherBlogger started a forum topic about the best way for a boy to learn to respect women. I suggested a boy needed the example at home of a father who showed that respect to his wife. But it really goes much deeper than that. Marriage to me is about love certainly, but also respect and loyalty to each other. I am horrified sometimes to hear the way women deride their husbands to other women. Where is the loyalty to the one they are married to? By the same token there are guys who publicly ridicule and sling off about … Continue reading