How to Save Money on School Supplies

Tis the season for back to school supplies. Parents everywhere are facing this time with a mixture of joy and dread. The summer will soon be over, and how on earth will they pay for all of the stuff that there kids need? If they are smart, budget-conscious consumers, they may try using the following strategies to bring the cost of needed school supplies down to just pennies on the dollar. Shop Multiple Stores Retail stores are fighting hard to get your back to school dollar, but not all sales are created equal. That is why if you want to … Continue reading

Frugal and Free Homeschooling {part 1}

Many have pushed aside the idea of homeschooling due to a lack of finances.  Many make the decision to stop homeschooling because of a difficult financial time.  Hearts that feel the impact of failing make decisions that cause them to retreat and not go forward. You are not a failure.  If you are experiencing a hard time or you feel you can not afford to homeschool, do not feel shame.  Many more struggle behind those happy Facebook status updates and expensive looking science experiments on blogs. A few years ago, I was in a financial situation that I feared would … Continue reading

App-Schooling: New Tech Trend in Homeschooling

Computers and other forms of technology are no strangers to homeschooling.  Homeschool moms learned a long time ago that computers can aid the homeschool experience for both the student and the teacher.  If laptops gave our techie homeschool feet than the tablet gave it wings. Homeschool students and moms are finding the value in app-schooling.  App-Schooling is when a student uses a tablet and applications to study, reinforce lessons, or house lessons.  With tablet in hand, a homeschool student can unlock the door to the world one application at a time.  Homeschool moms can record, store, and plan, lessons. Homeschool portfoilos can … Continue reading

Blogging From the Personal Side of Parenting

The internet has a wealth of information about a vast variety of special needs. It is fairly easy to look up medical information or news articles regarding a special need. Sometimes, it can be comforting to read a blog written by a parent about the personal side of parenting a child who has a special need. Here are a few interesting ones to explore. Parents can get online and quickly look up symptoms, recommended diets, help with IEPs, and news about health insurance coverage for their child’s special needs. What about if all you want is some conformation that your … Continue reading

Free After School Games

Your kids can have fun after school or on the weekends without the expense of organized activities. In fact these games will nurture creativity and build social skills. Use toys and objects that you already have, so you won’t have any additional expense. The best part is that these driveway games can be changed and adapted according to the number of kids available and their ages, as well as the time that you have available. While the weather is still nice, I find that homework goes much easier if the kids get a chance to run off some energy before … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Back to School: Organizing School Supplies

I have to admit that as my children get older, the school supplies get easier…at least in the school system that they attend. They require fewer school supplies in high school, which makes my life easier and my pocketbook more full. However, I have always used a method of getting ready for school that not only saves me money but keeps us well stocked for at least a good portion of the school year. But it all begins in July. I regret not thinking about this last month but school was honestly the last thing on my mind. So perhaps … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Back to School: Smooth Mornings

If there is one thing I dread about the start of a new school year, it is the mornings. I’m hoping other moms of teens can relate to the sometimes frustrating task of trying to wake a sleepy child. Although I may not be able to do much about that, I do know that I can help us get ready for the new school year by at least planning for a smooth morning. The key to this is preparing the night before. It used to be that most of the preparations fell on me. But in the past few years … Continue reading

Back-to-School Motivators

Like mother like daughter. When it comes to back-to-school, my daughter and I are on the same page. I’m not singing “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” and my kid is not tailgating at the bus stop. Instead, we’ve been desperately clinging to the last days of summer vacation, squeezing in as many outdoor activities as possible before she is forced to remain indoors for nearly seven hours per day. It’s not that my child hates school; it’s just that she enjoys summer more. Ditto for the Mama; only I don’t make a habit of verbalizing my personal … Continue reading

Emotional Preparation for School

So it’s a new school year and while as a parent you might be a little excited about your teens going back, they may not feel the same way. Think about it. As your teen gets older, there are new problems and stresses to face. Classes tend to get more difficult and they are getting that much closer to their future as an adult. They may have had problems last year that they are sure will be worse this year. It’s important to help prepare your teen. It goes beyond taking them school clothes shopping or making sure you have … Continue reading

Locks of Love… and Hate

When was the last time you had a great hair day? Did you document your perfect do for posterity sake? Good hair days are an extremely rare occurrence in my life. In fact, I didn’t even like my tresses on my wedding day. I neglected to schedule a styling dry run prior to the big day and it showed. Needless to say, I have plenty of scrapbook layouts featuring photos of me with hair styles that I absolutely hate. Conversely, my young daughter barely has a day where a single strand of her hair is out of place. It’s just … Continue reading