Dating Violence in Schools

Dating violence is becoming more and more common. Possessive boyfriends that become jealous, demanding, isolate young teen girls and then finally become violent with them are not usual even on school grounds. Sometimes dating violence has fatal consequences that can end a young life and leave her family in ruins. Just two states mandate teaching kids about dating violence in schools. Texas mandates awareness education on dating violence, although the specific education requirements are not specified. Other states say they encourage this education, although it is not required. But Rhode Island is progressive on the issue. It recently passed a … Continue reading

Anniversary of the Amish School Shooting

Just two years ago today, the country watched in horror as it was reported that a lone gunman infiltrated a one-room Amish schoolhouse and went on a massacre that left five girls dead and five others wounded. During the attack, the boys were sent out of the school, leaving the girls behind with the gunman, who after the attack, killed himself. The quiet town of Nickle Mines, Pa is a place of lots of pasture. On any given weekday, you will usually find various Amish folks mowing their lawns with rotary cutters, working in the fields, hanging laundry out to … Continue reading

New Plans to Graduate Kids in 10th Grade

The last two years of high school are generally spent preparing for college and enjoying the last hurrahs of senior year, but what if it were the first two years of high school, grades nine and ten where this took place, instead of grades 11 and 12? An announcement made by education officials of one state may speed up graduation from high school from senior year to sophomore year, with graduation at tenth grade instead of 12th. On October 30th, education officials in New Hampshire announced that they will be giving students a rigorous new series of state board exams … Continue reading

Does “Bully Education” Really Work?

Schools all across the country are making concerted efforts to deal with the very real issue of bulling. But are these efforts having an impact? Is your child less likely to be bullied today than he might have been five years ago? The experts are divided on the issue, and some recent research suggests that the answer could be no. Earlier this week, we were driving by a local school. There, right next to the playground was a huge sign declaring the area to be a “No Bully Zone.” I’m not sure why the sign was there. Was it to … Continue reading