Talk to your Profs

There’s a little known fact about doing well in school. It has nothing to do with studying or re-reading or writing or any of the normal things one might be inclined to do the night before a big test or large assignment. And despite what you might be accused of (schmoozing) or being (“teacher’s pet”) it doesn’t really have anything to do with those terms either. The simple fact is this: talk to your teachers. Today I had the great pleasure of having a reason to speak with my professors. Since we are out of the regular term and prior … Continue reading

Older Students and Teacher Preferences

My last discussion about students and the types of teachers that they like best involved middle school students. These students are typically not as interested in their academic career as younger students seem to be. This article will continue to work up the education ladder and address high school and college students along with their preferences in teachers. High School Students By the end the junior and senior year students in high school are usually really beginning to gain a grasp on the reality of life. They are beginning to understand why their parents and teachers pushed them as hard … Continue reading

Tips on How to Talk with Your College Professor

College life can be tough. In addition to learning responsibility, you are also under a lot of academic stress. Depending on the field that you major in, you may have many long hours of studying. Unfortunately, not all professors do their job of teaching you. Therefore, you cannot always expect the help that you need from your professor. While some professors are lacking, there are many good ones out there. With some college professors, it is all in how you present yourself. We have all seen the movies where college professors seem to pick on one student or another. Handling … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: September 15 – September 21

This has been a great week in education at Heather’s addition of Substitute’s Corner is a hit. Continue reading weekly to find out the latest eductaion news. Monday, September 17 Substitute Teacher’s Corner: Discipline in the Classroom In this article, Heather discusses how hard it can be to move from room to room as a substitute. Each teacher has a different means of controlling the class. Heather reminds substitutes that it is okay to use their own forms of discipline and rules when needed. Vocabulary Strengthening a child’s vocabulary is very important. When a child expands his/her vocabulary, his/her … Continue reading

College Professors- Are They Worth More Money?

Teachers are not known for making a lot of money. While some states and districts are giving pay raises and incentives for teachers to remain in their areas, the respect is still not there. Although teaching is a profession and teachers are professionals, they usually are not paid and held in the high regards of other professionals such as doctors and lawyers. I think in society’s eyes, college professors are the most prominent of teachers. This is likely due to the difficulty of the academic materials that they usually teach. In addition, many college professors hold a doctorate degree. This … Continue reading