Confronting Your Child’s Teacher

Teachers are human. They have emotions. They can be happy, sad, mad, and angry. They can also be tired and overworked. Teachers can have bad days and good days. They have lives outside of school. And most importantly, yes, teachers remember incidents that occur. Therefore, it should be desired to have a good relationship with your child’s teacher. However, differences do occur. The way that you confront the difference can be the deciding factor in the whether you receive your desired outcome. Before confronting your child’s teacher, think about the approach you will use. Make sure that you use many … Continue reading

Education Week in Review

This has been a wonderful week in education. The week began with a discussion about the benefits of having a literacy leader and then topped off with articles about college, kindergarten, bus behavior, and organizational tips. If you missed an article this week, read below to see all of the issues discussed. Sunday, February 25 Literacy Leaders My district recently hired literacy leaders. The literacy leader at my school does a wonderful job. Having a literacy leader at your school can greatly benefit both teachers and students. Literacy leaders aid in instruction and help teachers identify areas of weakness. Schools … Continue reading