Diving into the Abyss

In an old old drawer at my mother’s house I found an ancient portable music player that hadn’t been used in nearly 8 years. This wasn’t the most popular brand and wasn’t the most supported but I’ve recently had a side hobby of computers. It started out as a software hobby and has migrated ever so slowly to hardware. Over the break I repaired my sister’s broken laptop and this non-functioning (for the past 7 years) music player became my next task. I began work right after reaching milestones in my reading (currently dense theory translated from the German). This … Continue reading

A Little Faith

Sometimes you just need to have a little faith. I’m not talking about religion — I’m talking about education. One of the things I’m working on this semester is bringing some new exercises to some new(ish) artists. These exercises are on the newer side of things for this particular area but tried and true in others. The point is this: sometimes you’ve got to go along with something, even if it doesn’t make sense to you, to get the full benefit. If you only resist then you certainly will not succeed. It kind of reminds me of the saying that … Continue reading