Educating Twice-Exceptional Students

Since the No Child Left Behind act five years ago, there has been much talk about various groups of children being “left behind”. As society and as educators, we group children into categories by learning abilities, race, economical status, gender, and so on. We then examine the different groups and track to see which groups are succeeding or falling behind. The latest group of children to be evaluated is a group that I never had really thought about. This group is the twice-exceptional students. They are high-ability children with learning disabilities or differences. These children are academically gifted but also … Continue reading

Teaching Your Own Child in Your Classroom

A few articles ago, I mentioned the hardships that can come from teaching the children of friends or family members. Equally, it can be as difficult to teach your own children in your classroom. Having your own child in your classroom may not be a great idea. Parents tend to be harder on their children than others. While many outsiders will feel that you are giving your child favors and special attention, you will be trying so hard not to that you actually treat your child worse than the other students. In addition, children need space. They need to have … Continue reading

Teaching the Children of Close Friends or Family Members

Many parents believe that having their child in a teacher’s classroom that they know personally is a great idea. While it may ease the parents’ minds to leave their child at school with a close acquaintance such as a family member, it may not always be the best option. Teaching a close friend or family member’s child can be difficult for the teacher, the child, and the parents. All may run smoothly if the child has no academic or behavior struggles. However, it can be very hard for a teacher to tell parents that their child is below average in … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: July 7 – July 13

As many of you read in my last article, I am changing schools. My next few days will be very hectic. However, I will do my best to keep up with the latest news in education. Saturday, July 7 Educating Twice-Exceptional Students We are accustomed to either educating children with special needs and learning disabilities or gifted children. However, this article addresses children that are both gifted and have special needs. Teacher Films Students for Documentary An undercover teacher films students misbehaving. The former teacher entered journalism and was working on a documentary. The courts found her guilty of violating … Continue reading