Playground Safety Tips

With summer come more frequent trips to the playground. Unfortunately, accidents can and will happen, if you’re not careful. So before you head out the door, keep these simple rules in mind. (1) Make sure the equipment is appropriate for your child’s age and height. Ideally, the playground should have areas set aside for little ones and one for older kids. This assures the babies won’t get hurt by the antics of the older kids. I have noticed that at several of the park playgrounds I have taken Tyler to many older kids use the equipment especially the swings. And … Continue reading

Education A to Z: P for Playground Safety

Continuing on with my Education A to Z blog series, I am up to the letter P. Playground safety may seem to be a pretty strange education topic, but there are a lot of teachers out there concerned with safety on the playground, and for good reason. Did you know that each year about 200 thousand children are treated in emergency rooms across the country for injuries they received while playing on a playground? Yes, you read that correctly, 200 thousand children a year! School playgrounds should set a standard for safety when it comes to playground safety and each … Continue reading

A Dangerous Trend in Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales

Nursery Rhymes and fairy tales help teach children about the world. That’s the view of many experts including June Factor who has spent many years researching childhood and school playground rhymes and writing children’s books. However the trend at present appears to be to try and sanitize nursery rhymes, for example in England the BBC has come under fire for a rewrite of the Humpty Dumpty Nursery rhyme. Now instead of saying ‘all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again,’ the revised rhyme says they,’made Humpty happy again.’ The idea behind this sanitizing of … Continue reading

Is Your Child a Bully?

The dictionary defines bullying as: “When one child picks on another child repeatedly. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or social. It can happen at school, on the playground, on the school bus, in the neighborhood, etc.” My daughter is young enough that bullying hasn’t become a huge topic in our home, save for when she watches the “Arthur” episode, which features a gang of schoolyard bullies, that end up being a lot nicer than they first appear. Still, bullying is a real and dangerous issue for many children. The Oprah Winfrey Show recently addressed the widespread problem of bullying, and … Continue reading

New School Rule: No Hugging Allowed

Connecticut is a gorgeous state with numerous noteworthy attractions. However, if I lived in the Milford school district, I’d be the mother of an expelled student. My extremely affectionate daughter would never be able to adhere to a new “no touching” policy that was recently implemented at East Shore Middle School. The no touching, hugging, high-five slapping, love patting policy has sparked controversy beyond the schoolyard, and now the entire school district may get in on the ban. And to think the “overly broad” response was the result of a couple of boys engaging in horseplay. According to reports, the … Continue reading

Making Time for Family

Being a busy single parent it is difficult to find the time to do the things that you want to do. It seems like most days fly right by because you are so extra busy. When you do get time off it is important to let some things slide once in a while and make time for fun. With the summer months fast approaching plan some special weekends when you feel that you can let some of your responsibilities take the back seat in order to put your family first. Plan to take 2 to 3 days during the month … Continue reading

Tag is Back in the Game!

Previously I began discussion in both article and forum form about the abolition of playing tag on the playground at Kent Gardens Elementary. The principal stopped the game after it became too aggressive. She said some students were getting hurt and others were being forced to play when they did not want to participate. The principal received many unhappy responses to her decision. While some parents were happy that the game had been stopped, others were not. The children were especially upset. They gathered a petition with over 160 names. The students held a protest and gave the principal the … Continue reading

Talk of Tattling in the Forums

There are many childhood phases that parents and teachers and child caregivers must endure. One of those phases is well known and often barely tolerated by adults. As those of you who keep up with the forums know, tattling can get the best of all of us. The discussion listed in the Ages and Stages 3-5 year old forum is about how to handle tattling. Like with most childhood milestones and phases, everyone has a different point of view. If five childhood psychologists were interviewed, they would all probably tell you something different to do about the issue. Some suggest … Continue reading

Safest States To Raise Kids

If you have kids and are considering making a move but don’t know where you want to settle down, you might want to consider one of the top 10 safest places to raise kids. In the November 2006 issue of Child, a special report outlines the top ten states, along with some of the reasons why they are considered safe for kids. Here’s some highlights from the report. #(1) Rhode Island Improved the safety of playgrounds, minimized transportation-related deaths for children under the age of 18, first state to require kids wear helmets when riding scooters. #(2) Connecticut Each school … Continue reading

Backyard Trampolines May Lead To Cancelled Homeowner Insurance

A trapeze artist named Du Trampoline created the first trampoline in the 19th century by using the safety net as propulsion and landing device according to circus lore. In 1936 George Nissen invented the trampoline as we know it today. During the 70-year history trampolines have been used for training of the U. S. Navy Flight School, astronauts and in several other valuable ways for training. Fitness experts, agree the trampoline can be a valuable part of a fitness program, because of the cardiovascular benefits, low impact, and for building muscle. The first trampoline gymnastics event made its Olympic debut … Continue reading