Verbal Abuse is Abuse

When one hears the word abuse or someone who has been abused, they usually think of someone with bruises and broken bones. Yet abuse can go much deeper than the skin and bones. Abuse does not have to be a physical attack. It can be a mental and an emotional attack. Abuse does have to hurt the body, it can also hurt the mind and the sole. Many people, including husbands, do not consider words to be abusive. As the saying goes “stick and stones…” However, words can be very hurtful and harmful. Many women are in an abusive relationship. … Continue reading

Education A to Z: S for Safe From Verbal Abuse

My Education A to Z blog series is now at the letter S. S for safety from verbal abuse. Many schools are implementing or have implemented curriculum and consequences that teach about physical violence and keeping one safe from it. What schools need to remember is that words hurt too, sometimes worse than fists. While the bruises heal after a physical confrontation, the words that may have been spewed out often haunt a child for years to come. What can schools do to keep children safe from verbal abuse or put-downs? How about adding this to the physical violence safety … Continue reading

Teachers as Mandatory Reporters

Many of you know that a teacher is a mandatory reporter, but perhaps many of you don’t know exactly what this entails. I have run into numerous people who have quite a few bits of misinformation about what a mandatory reporter is and what it requires of the person. So, I thought, why not just blog this topic and get the information out there? A mandatory reporter is a person required by law to report any suspected abuse of a child. It just so happens, and it makes sense as to why, that teachers are just one of several professions … Continue reading