Teen Cliques

An old high school friend recently added me to a Facebook group, in which a reunion is being planned. It has been 25 years since we graduated. So it’s been interesting to look at some of the old faces and read up on how everyone is doing. It is hard to imagine some that have gotten married and had children. I guess it’s because I still see them as they were in their cliques. You know the labels that teens put on each other. Back in my day it was the jocks, preppies, nerds, outcasts and the popular kids. I … Continue reading

Teaching Teens About Friendships

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about teenage cliques and how painful they can be. That blog was spurred by my daughter not getting invited to a birthday party. At the time I encouraged her to ask her friend about it. I really didn’t want her to assume the worst but she did. Just a couple of days ago she announced that she was no longer mad at her friend. As it turned out, she had the invitation but kept forgetting to give it to my daughter. In her world everything was fine again. It bothered me, however. One … Continue reading

Relief Society: Forming Friendships

Relief Society is a wonderful organization that has many purposes. The most important purpose is to help the sisters to come to Christ. Another important purpose is to provide service and help to those that need it. Another reason is to help friendships to form between sisters and to provide opportunities to socialize with each other. When the sisters in Relief Society are friends with each other, needs are being met automatically. The sisters often feel more comfortable asking for help from a friend or letting friends know that they are struggling. If your ward is having a difficult time … Continue reading

Let Kids Friendships Develop Naturally

As adults we tend to forget how important making friends can be to our kids. Tyler has been worried the past few weeks that he won’t make friends when we return to New Orleans. He’s especially concerned about being the “new kid” in the class. School starts after Labor Day but there’s a chance we may not return until school is in session because my house is not quite ready. The plan is to homeschool him until we return. I have assured him that he will make friends. He has the kind of personality that draws kids to him. Just … Continue reading

Friendship Cliques

I remember that some my worst days in eighth grade were due to friendship troubles. Adolescents can be some of the most harsh people in the world when it comes to building and cutting friendships. The act of forming groups of friends and leaving others out is known as forming cliques. Cliques are groups of kids that form friendships with one another and seclude others from entering their group. Not every group of friends is a clique. Some children just enjoy playing together and have no other motive. Cliques purposefully and hurtfully leave other children out. More popular children usually … Continue reading


My daughter has a wonderful BFF. Make that 20 BFFs. At the end of each school day she tells me about all the fun she had playing with her BFF… du jour. My kid is an equal opportunity playmate and sees everyone as a potential best friend. She’s seven. At first I thought it was sweet that she rotated BFFs amongst the gaggle of girls and boys in her grade. Then, I wondered if she was the only kid in the class without a true blue pal. However, after reading a new report about bullying and the social ostracization of … Continue reading

Interfering in Children’s Friendship Problems

I don’t know why I do it…but alas it has happened again. It is parental intervention in a friendship problem with my child. For some reason I really struggle with letting my children work it out. I hate to see them hurt or not getting along with someone, so I attempt to patch things up. However that almost always backfires. When my oldest son was in middle school he had a lot of difficulties with his best friend. The problem is that his best friend’s mother is also my very good friend. Needless to say it ended up causing friction … Continue reading

Facing Some Challenges

This weekend I had to say goodbye to my 16-year-old son. He was off to a military encampment which is part of the Civil Air Patrol program that he belongs to. This is his second summer participating. It is very hard for me as a parent to see him off. First, this is not your average summer camping trip. He stays on an active military base where he goes through the rigors of boot camp. Second, I have absolutely no access to him. There is no contact allowed. The best I can hope for is a picture of him. Someone … Continue reading

Play Group Mama Drama

As a new mom, you may be looking forward to joining an organized group of other moms. After all, who else will listen to you discuss the consistency of your baby’s poop or be willing to give you support when you are having problems with breast feeding. But new mom beware. Play groups and mom groups can come with a lot of mama drama, from back biting to cliques. When you join a group, be clear to yourself why you are there. Is it to provide some socialization for your child? Is it to get out of the house? Is … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: April 14- April 20

This has been a wonderful week at Families.com! In education, I have discussed many topics concerning issues that children may face. These include bullies, cheating, school violence, and parent involvement. Check them out below. Sunday, April 15 School Bully In this article I discuss actions and signs of a school bully. Most every class has some degree of bullying. Bullying can lead to very serious and dangerous actions. Why do Children Bully at School? There are several different reasons why children choose to bully others. In this article I discuss each of the reasons. Some bullies enjoy power while others … Continue reading