Education Week in Review: August 11- August 17

This week addressed many different educational topics. Issues in education cover a wide span of discussions. This week, I looked into teacher on waivers, preventing the spread of germs at school, grouping students with similar abilities, and how school assign students to teachers. Sunday, August 12 Teaching on a Waiver Some specialty areas in education have a shortage of certified teachers. Therefore school systems hire teachers with different certifications for the job. The teacher is consider to be teaching on a waiver and must begin taking class toward the certification in which he or she is currently teaching. Monday, August … Continue reading

Homeroom Student Assignments

In most cases, the classroom roaster is not created by chance or by luck. Teachers and school administrators usually take much consideration into which children are placed into a classroom. Each school or county has a different procedure for assigning students to teachers. There are many different ways that a class can be created. Class Assignment by Test Scores Some school principals look at test scores when assigning students to a classroom teacher. They do their best to create equal amounts of high, medium, and low students in each class. A balanced class is not overpopulated with one level of … Continue reading

Grouping Special Education Students for Scheduling Purposes

Scheduling is always a big task for schools. Many schedules have to be created at the beginning of each school year. The task is even more complicated when new positions are added or old positions are taken away. Cafeteria schedules must be created. A schedule for the teachers’ plan periods is also a must. In addition, special people such as instructional assistants and special education teachers require a schedule to follow. With a limited number of hours in the day and many people to accommodate, some schools find themselves in a jam when it comes to creating a schedule for … Continue reading