What You Can Tell from How a Child Draws a Person

In two of my previous articles I discussed the early childhood activity of coloring. I also talked about what can be gained about a child’s ability from the way that he or she colors a picture. During the first days of kindergarten, most children will be asked to color a picture. In addition to asking children to color a picture, they are also usually asked to draw a picture. In fact our test that we use at the beginning of kindergarten, the Kindergarten Diagnostic Instrument (KDI), asks children to draw a picture of a person. Again it is amazing what … Continue reading

More about Coloring

Previously I discussed how I believe that one can tell much about a child from the way that he or she colors. I discussed that kindergarten children first entering school have very different levels of coloring. Some of the children are expert colorers and others have had very little experience. In this article I will continue the discussion about what one can tell from the way that a child colors a picture. The way that a child colors comes in stages. In the beginning stage a child typically uses one color and moves his or her arms back and forth … Continue reading

What Can You Tell from How a Child Colors?

In kindergarten we have staggered enrollment. We see a different group of children each day of the week. Therefore the children only come to school once a week for the first two weeks. During this staggered enrollment we carry out various activities and tests to help us get to know the children better. At some point during the day, one of the activities usually involves coloring a picture. To me, I think that you can tell a lot about the way that a child colors. In a group of five year old children who have very different background experiences (some … Continue reading