The High Cost of School and Activity Fees

This year, our school district is charging activity fees for its students. This means that if any students want to participate in after school sports or other activities, they must first pay a fee. The amount of the fee depends on the child’s level in school. So, an elementary student who wants to participate in a school activity must pay $25, a middle school student must pay $50, and a high school student must pay $75 per year. Granted, these aren’t astronomical fees, and this particular fee gives a free pass to all activities, but they aren’t the only fees … Continue reading

I Swore I Would Never Do This, But…

Before I became a mom, I swore that if I had kids I would never run all over town looking for things my kids needed and/or wanted. Then I became a mother and sure enough it seems like I find myself always running around getting stuff for Tyler. Take Sunday for instance. I spent the better part of the day searching for a New Orleans Saints shirt. This week is homecoming at Tyler’s school and each day they have to wear different clothes. Today, for example, they had to wear pajamas for Lazy Monday. Wednesday they have to wear a … Continue reading

Entering Middle School

Many parents make a huge fuss over their child beginning preschool or kindergarten. My daughter will begin preschool this year and I have covered all of the basics when it comes to ‘overdoing’. I see parents come into kindergarten the first day with cameras and video recorders. As the years pass by the excitement and involvement tends to dwindle down. The children are dropped off at the door and no pictures are made. By the time the child reaches middle school, all excitement is pretty much gone. However, during these years children need the support of their parents more than … Continue reading

Schools in Malls

Okay, so this one totally through me for a loop. Maybe it is not so unusual to you Texans out there but I never knew they existed! Schools in malls? Actually twenty-two of them! Tulsa is next up for putting a real school with real teachers inside of a mall. When school resumes in the fall, Promenade mall will be the home to Tulsa Learning Academy. The first mall to host a school was Rolling Oaks Mall in Texas. Judson Learning Academy was placed inside this mall in San Antonio, Texas in attempt to help upper grade high school student … Continue reading

Kindergarten Graduation

At this time in the school year, many graduations and end of the year activities are being planned. Some of the schools in my district have a kindergarten graduation. Some of the graduations are complete with cap and gown pictures and diplomas. My school chooses not to participate in a kindergarten graduation. We opt for an end of the year family picnic instead of a graduation ceremony. The picnic requires no practices by the students. Instead of sitting through a graduation, in which many students get into trouble for misbehaving, our students get to play at the playground and eat … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: Feb. 10 – Feb. 16

This has been another great week in education at I am now the only education writer. Although I miss having the opinions of a high school teacher, I will try to offer education information from all aspects of the spectrum. With all of the Valentine’s Day excitement, some of you may have missed a couple of articles this week. Therefore, here are snapshots from the week. Saturday, February 10 Self-Respect Verses Self-Esteem In this article, I discussed the difference between self-respect and self-esteem. While self-esteem is often easily acquired due to compliments from others, self-respect must be earned and … Continue reading

High School Activities in Middle & Elementary Schools

I have traveled by many schools over the past couple of weeks. The schools in my county have a message sign in front of them. It seemed that each school had some type of announcement of a special event. Some schools were giving dates for ballgames and homecomings while others were announcing dances and Valentine’s Day activities. I began to wonder when homecomings and Valentine’s Day dances became part of the elementary school schedule. It seems that most high school traditions have now trickled down into our middle and elementary schools. Almost every elementary school with a basketball team now … Continue reading

The Cell Phone Debate Continues

This is actually an old story. The New York City Public schools have been fighting with parents over banning the ‘desperately needed’ devices for a few years. However, recently the Board of Education has suggested a compromise. . .allowing the students to store their phones in a locker outside of the school. The locker would be designed specifically for cell phone storage. They’re so Convenient I actually see both sides of this issue pretty clearly. We are contemplating getting our own child some type of cell phone for her birthday. We would likely go with something specifically designed for a … Continue reading

2006 in Review: Homeschooling Blog at a Glance

As a new homeschooling blogger at, I wanted to know everything that has been discussed to date. In response to my own curiosity, and in an effort to make perusing our articles easier for you, our readers, I have compiled all of the blogs for the year 2006. Deciding to Homeschool Why homeschool Am I qualified for this? Reasons that Homeschooling Works! My Most Important Advice for Homeschoolers. The Cost of Homeschooling Instead of standing up for their own kids, why not stand up for all kids? Disclaimer: I am hardly an expert in education. Did You Know? ‘Empirical … Continue reading

Teenage Drug Abuse Statistics

Although the use of many drugs have recently declined among teenagers there are still a significant number using illegal drugs. In the National Institute on Drug Abuse 2005 Monitoring the Future survey researchers found that 50% of high school seniors report some use of an illicit drug during their life. Many parents do not realize the signs of drug abuse or realize the prevalence among teenagers. Alcohol is the most common substance used, with 75% of seniors having at least tried alcohol and 23% within the last month. Few teenagers truly understand the risks associated with drinking alcohol and often … Continue reading