How to Help Your Kids Fall Asleep

Sleep is important. We all know what it feels like to have to get up and start the day after not having enough sleep. Before parents can turn in for the night they need to make sure their children are asleep. What can you do if your child is resisting bedtime or getting up at night? Here are some ideas that could help your kids to fall asleep. How much sleep do kids really need? The National Sleep Foundation has some recommendations that are based upon the age of the person. Adults need less sleep than children and babies do. … Continue reading

Helicopter Parenting is not Helpful

It is natural for parents to want the very best for their children. They make sure their kids have brushed their teeth, feed them healthy foods, and check to make sure that their homework is done. All of this is done because of love. That being said, there is a point where things become too much. It turns out that helicopter parenting can actually harm a child’s future prospects. What is a “helicopter parent”? Parents Magazine says that the term originated in 1969 in a book called Parents & Teenagers written by Dr. Haim Ginott. Some of the teens he … Continue reading

Where to Sell Your Stuff

You’ve gone through the house and decluttered the lot. You are living more simply and more organized, and you finally have space to breath. Or maybe you just want to clear out some things that have been taking over your home. Whatever the reason you have taken the step to clear the clutter, you can profit beyond having a neater place to live. Sell your excess stuff and get the cash. There are many places where you can sell your stuff and make some money. It all depends on what you have, how much time you are willing to spend … Continue reading

Help Your Child Relax

In a recent study researchers found that over half of 7 to 9 year olds were feeling stressed. Those with divorced parents experience additional stress as they are going between homes and trying to balance all of the other little things in their young lives. As parents we want our children to be happy and enjoy life without getting bogged down by the pressures of everyday life. We need to create an atmosphere in our home that encourages our children to relax and enjoy being little. Don’t overschedule your children. While you want your children to stay busy and be … Continue reading

You Can Have It All

Why isn’t there a super hero single mother? Some days I feel like I must be super human to get it all done. Unfortunately I’m not super human and at the end of most days I’m just tired. Women in general seem to shoulder the lions share of child rearing and housekeeping, and have for a very long time. Things are getting better, more fathers are actively involved in raising their kids and more men are helping around the house. The majority still falls to the women, and when you are a single mother, there is no majority, it’s all … Continue reading

Helping With Homework

When Hailey was younger one of our biggest challenges was homework. After work and school there was so much to do that often homework was the last thing we thought about and it would be done in a hurry with no other thought than getting it done so we could go to bed. When you are a single parent it is hard to make time for everything but our children’s education is so important that we have to make time to let them know how important it is. I wish I knew where that dream family lives, the one with … Continue reading

Slow Down

Watching your child grow and become an adult it such a bittersweet time. Gone is the baby you used to snuggle and in her place a wonderful young adult. These are the days I thought would never come while buried under diapers, bottles and teething gel. It’s hard to picture the future when you are getting, at best, three hours of sleep a night. But somehow, without you even being aware, the time flies by and your babies are no longer babies. If there is anything good to be said about your babies growing up is that you get a … Continue reading

How Do You Prioritize?

One thing that I really struggle with as a single mother is prioritizing. There is so much to do and still only twenty four hours in a day. I want to be able to do things with my daughter, I need to work, the yard needs to be taken care of, I have to do laundry, and vacuum. It seems like the list gets longer every day. I have found that I get so overwhelmed that I tend to laser focus on one thing. The most important job I have is being Hailey’s mom but doesn’t mean I can let … Continue reading

Keeping Order of School Supplies in Your Home

In some parts of the country, school has already started. Here in Wisconsin the official first day of school for most districts is September 1st. One of the things that are on the mind of parents is school supplies. Not just the supplies children need at school but the stuff they need at home. Many items they need duplicates of (pencils, paper, calculator, markers, crayons, etc.) and some items you need to keep stocked so that your children can pull from them throughout the school year (notebooks, pocket folders, etc.). Where does all of this fit into housekeeping? Well, without … Continue reading

How to Set Up a Homework Space

There will be many changes for your child to adjust to once the new school year is underway. The one thing that you can pretty much count on is that your child will end up with homework to do. This means you need to set up a good homework space for him or her to work in. Children who have special needs tend to thrive when they know that there is a routine to follow. They can predict what will happen next, and this can make transitioning from one activity to another a little bit easier. This means that it … Continue reading