Ready, Set, School: Bullying

Now that my daughter knows that she will be getting the teacher she prayed for (and by pray, I mean saying a healthy dose of novenas and lighting enough candles to burn down a Cathedral) she is happy to be heading back to school. Me, not so much. I am a bit concerned about the bullying problem that surfaced last year. I am hoping that the school has come up with a new approach to addressing the issue rather than simply putting a band-aid over it. We’ll see. School starts in two weeks. In the meantime, I’ve been consulting with … Continue reading

Are There Bullies in Homeschool?

Many parents choose to homeschool after their child has a particularly bad experience with bullies. It certainly does help remove the child from the abusive atmosphere and brings them into an environment where they are supported. But homeschool isn’t automatically bully-free. What if one of your children is a bully, and makes life hard for your other children? If your child has been a victim of bullying, he may choose to reenact things he saw take place at school, or things that happened to him, as part of his way of healing from the trauma. He’s safe now, but he … Continue reading

Parents and Teachers Need to Work Together to Stop Bullying

The Dr. Phil season has barely kicked off and already I am seeing him tackle a lot of teen issues. The biggest one on his plate is bullying. He has already done a couple of shows on teen bullying and is now starting an anti-bullying campaign. Like Dr. Phil, I too believe this is a serious issue. With technological advances in our society, bullying has been taken to a whole new degree. As I have said before, the bullying has to stop. One of the things that I feel would greatly help to stop bullying is if parents and teachers … Continue reading

Creating a Positive Preschool Environment for Your Quiet Child

I was a quiet child. It took me years to develop enough self-esteem to stand up to bullies. I remember being bullied from an early age. This started in very early elementary school, likely kindergarten, and continued far into high school. My daughter is a similarly quiet sort, except at home, of course. As we prepare to enter public school next year, I have thought a lot about the ways in which our current preschool helps to create an environment that reduces bullying. Preschoolers are just learning social skills – many adults are still learning these skills! But they do … Continue reading

Reasons I am Glad We Homeschool: School Bus Incidents

For the last couple of days an instance of school bus violence has dominated education news and blogs. Basically, a white student got on the school bus and no one would allow him to sit down next to them. (There where both white and black kids on the bus refusing him.) The driver yelled for the kids to sit down so he moved the book bag of a black kid and sat down. Other students began to instigate and the black boy who he sat next to attacked him. A few minutes later it appeared that the first attacker had … Continue reading

Intervening with Grade School Problems

It may be clear to us as parents when we should step in and advocate for our child when they are younger, but as they get older it can be more challenging. Not only does it become tough for us to tell when we should intervene, but we also have the added pressure of often having a child who does NOT want us to get involved—it can be embarrassing and cause more problems for him with his peer group than it solves. It can feel like a minefield as a parent to know when to step in and intervene and … Continue reading

14 Year Old Plotting Columbine-Like Attack Was Homeschooled

Surely you’ve read the news reports and maybe it’s just me, but the idea that this kid was home schooled sticks out like a sore thumb. How did he get all those weapons? Sure enough, as stories of the news surfaced, reactions to the stories popped up: “See, I knew there was a reason I thought home schooling was stupid.” “This kid wouldn’t have had an opportunity to do the planning and get those weapons if he were in public school. Someone would catch something.” “Plain and simple, home schooling is a bad idea. Rather than teaching kids how to … Continue reading

Should Children be Allowed to Change Homerooms?

Should a child be changed to a different class after the beginning of school and the homerooms have been assigned? I say yes and no. I will explain both of my answers in more detail below. When a child begins having trouble in school, it is not unusual for the parents to first blame the teacher. Next they usually blame the other students. They suggest that either the teacher is picking on their child or that the other students are a bad influence. Either way, the thought of taking their child out of the class and moving him/her to a … Continue reading

New Survey Addresses Cyber-Bullying

Several articles ago, I addressed a new problem faced by teachers and school administrators. That problem deals with the new capabilities of technology. Using technology to defame or ridicule others is known as cyber-bullying. In my article I discussed how Canada is now acting out against cyber-bullies. Students can be punished and even expelled for acts of cyber-bullying regardless of where the act took place. A recent survey showed that 84 % of the teachers surveyed had been victims of cyber-bullying. Some of the results even suggested that the humiliation of cyber-bullying contributed to teachers getting out of the teaching … Continue reading

Mom Sues School Over Bullying

A Coral Springs, Florida mom recently sued her son’s school board because she says her 12-year-old son was bullied this past year. This bullying, she said, caused her son “pain, fear, humiliation and social isolation.” But the twist is the mother is not seeking monetary compensation. Instead, she wants the school board ordered to segregate bullies at her son’s school and to conduct behavioral intervention programs aimed at reducing or eliminating bullying. She also wants the school to provide a better means of security so that her son can attend school in a safer environment. When it comes to the … Continue reading