Paying for Your Child’s Bad Behavior in School

What kind of punishment would really hit you where it hurts in regards to paying for your child’s bad behavior in school? British government officials say parents of poorly behaved students are no longer deterred by moves to shame the family name as punishment to get their kids to act properly, so they’ve decided to hit moms and dads where it really hurts—-in their wallets. According to reports, parents in the United Kingdom – whose kids attend state schools – will now be required to sign a contract that promises their children will behave while at school. The government’s new … Continue reading

Prizes for Good Behavior?

In a previous article, I discussed various procedures that teachers use to report behavior to parents. In addition to reporting a student’s behavior, a teacher must also manage a student’s behavior while the child is in the classroom. Teachers do this in many different ways. I can remember the standard way of monitoring student behavior while I was in school was the name and check system. If a child misbehaved, the teacher would write the child’s name on the board. If the child continued to misbehave he or she would receive check marks beside of his or her name. Today’s … Continue reading

How Teachers Report Behavior

Recently the group of kindergarten teachers met at my school. One topic that was discussed was our method of informing parents about behavior. Different teachers have different ideas of when and how to send home behavior notices. Some teachers prefer to send home a weekly report on Friday. Others only notify parents if the child has been in trouble. I feel that neither of the above is effective for the child, the parents, or the teacher. I send home a behavior notice each day. The mind of a kindergarten child works best on short-term thinking. If a child has a … Continue reading

Teachers Mandated to Report Abuse

Teachers are required to report any cases or suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. There are many fine lines when reporting a case such as this. Teachers question what should be reported and how should it be reported. What is the difference between abuse and neglect? In this article, I hope to clarify some answers for you. Child abuse causes physical harm to the child. Child abuse can be cruel punishment or unjustified punishment. Abuse also includes any sexual acts against a child. Neglect is negligence of the responsible person to care for the child. The negligence may be … Continue reading

Update: Parents Control Your Kids’ Behavior In School Or You May Have To Pay A Fine

Here’s an update on a blog I wrote earlier this week. It concerned a new policy in a small fishing town just outside of Mobile. The policy was enacted to address the rising behavior problems and poor attendance in this small community’s four public schools. The policy holds parents accountable for the unruly behavior of their kids. Parents are also held accountable for unexcused absences. An offending parent could face a fine or serve jail time. Several readers left opinions about this policy. Some agreed with the policy while others didn’t think it was such a good idea. Over the … Continue reading

Parents- Control Your Kids’ Behavior In School Or You May Have To Pay A Fine

If my child misbehaves in school, should I be penalized for his unruly behavior? Or is it the responsibility of the teacher to control my child when he’s in school? Some districts are beginning to fine parents for their kids misbehaving in school and personally, I think it’s a good thing. When I was in school, we didn’t misbehave. Okay maybe just a little. But somehow the threat of having our parents notified and the possibility of a spanking was enough to keep us in line. Some school districts blame the parents’ attitudes for the state of today’s schools, as … Continue reading

Study: Kids Raised by Single Moms do as Well as Kids Raised by Two Parents

A study that was published by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology found that children of single mothers are no more likely to suffer later in life than kids raised by a mother and a father “in terms of parent-child relationship or child development.” Researchers from the University of Amsterdam looked at 69 “single-mothers-by-choice.” By that, they meant women who knowingly chose to raise their child alone. The researchers also looked at 59 mothers from heterosexual two-parent families. All of the parents in the study had children between the ages of 1.5 years of age and 6 years … Continue reading

Impact of Texting on Grammar

If school hasn’t already started for your child, it is just around the corner for others. Did your child spend any time brushing up on their math skills this summer? How about their grammar? Well if your tween is a regular texter, their grammar skills might be lacking. A new study recently came out that found tweens who use shorthand (also known as tech speak) when texting, are more likely to use improper English, compared to those who don’t text. Let me give you an example of a message that might be sent… R u goin 2 b round ltr … Continue reading

Teacher Who Put Student in Box Returns to Work

Have you heard about this incident? A teacher in a Special Education classroom placed a student into a large, cardboard, refrigerator box for a “time out”. The teacher was suspended ten days without pay and has now been allowed to return to work at a different school. The mother of the student who was put in a box is outraged. Sadly, this isn’t the first story to hit the news that reports on the bad behavior of a teacher who worked in a Special Education classroom. Earlier this year, Stuart Chaifetz learned that his son, Akian, was being bullied by … Continue reading

Parent Teacher Conferences

The kids are back in school and with school comes the dreaded parent teacher conferences. As a single parent these can be a little tricky. In some cases both parents are fine to meet together, in others it is impossible. Most teachers are willing to work with you if you need to meet at separate times. However, there are some real benefits to being able to meet together with your child’s teacher. This helps everyone to be on the same page when it comes to your child’s schooling. It also provides a united front for your child. If you are … Continue reading