Procrastination – Why We Do It

All of us are likely to procrastinate at some time or another. Sometimes there is a reason behind why we drag our feet, such as not liking the task that you keep putting off again and again. Sometimes, though, procrastination happens for no reason at all. You know that this is going on when you find yourself doing something instead of what you know you should be doing yet you cannot come up with any reason why. Today I caught myself tidying up the house instead of sitting down to work after putting my son to bed. Normally, I do … Continue reading

On Procrastination III

The last two times I’ve explored procrastination. In the first part I wrote about that peculiar individual who always gets everything done on time but is a chronic procrastinator. They ALWAYS wait until the last minute to do the things they do but ALWAYS get things done. Somehow, though, they know they could do better. The minute after that paper is handed in or that presentation is given they see the flaws, the mistakes, and the areas for improvement. Their procrastination drove them to get things done, but not to do them as well as they could have. While their … Continue reading

Being in the Middle

I’ve been musing about procrastination recently. Part of my issue was that I slowly had too many things going on. Because I didn’t always have so many things going on I didn’t ever have a system for remembering and reminding myself in place. I was like the live animal in a pot that slowly headed up to boiling and turned me into dinner. I’ve since learned that scheduling your time is important. Calendars, e-mails, notebooks, journals, and all forms of dinging things are employed to keep me on track at any given moment. I’ve simply got too many things to … Continue reading

The Power of Spoken Words

Sometimes I have to go back to this simple fact: lots of what we say is lost in translation. The addition to that is that more of what we write is lost in translation. Being a student and practitioner of theatre I should always have this in mind. I think it is the time spent writing plays (a very writing-centric activity) that lulls me away from the reality every once in a while. I truly do believe in the power of words… but people speaking them adds so very much. It should come as no surprise, then, that things often … Continue reading

Forgetting and Technology

I think it’s fair to say that technology has been wonderfully beneficial for all of us in a great many ways. The simple fact that I’m writing this blog from my chair at my desk in my home and all of you are able to read it when I press a single button is amazing. You don’t even have to be associated with a wonderful place like as there are so many free blogging sites and micro-blogging sites you can sign up for in mere seconds and share your ideas with the world. This is a powerful thing. Just … Continue reading

Work to the Power of…

In the next two weeks I’ll be defending my dissertation proposal. It is one step in the lengthy and often confusing process of obtaining a doctorate. This proposal is the product of several drafts (four) and a great deal of research, writing, and helpful notes from smarter people than I. The proposal itself totaled twenty-five pages. Not horrifically long but not short either. Silly me, I thought I’d be done until I defended it in the coming weeks. What was initially relief at the completion of an accepted draft for the proposal quickly turned to more work. I needed to … Continue reading