The Silence of Relationships

I am beginning to see a disturbing trend in my teens, something that will require diligent effort to change. It is silence. Now you might think that is actually a good thing but it really isn’t…I will explain why. The silence I am talking about is the silence of relationships. Gone are the days of talking on the telephone for hours on end. Friendships have now become more “technologically advanced.” Actually, I think technology hasn’t advanced relationships; it has diminished them in many ways. Let me give you some examples. Take my 12-year-old son whose best friend lives close by. … Continue reading

Webcam Free After Rebate

Ever wonder what the person on the other end of your computer looks like? Sometimes, like when I have insomnia and am playing Scrabble at 3 a.m., I’m grateful I can’t see them in their bunny slippers and robes, but there are times I wish there was a visual. I teach online, and it’s sometimes hard to tell in black and white whether a comment is serious or snarky. Facial expressions would make it a lot easier! We have so far resisted getting a webcam because I have an incredibly beautiful 16-year old whose photo I don’t want passed around. … Continue reading

Returning to College- Questions to Ask Before Enrolling

In previous articles, I have discussed tips and concerns for adults returning to college or entering college for the first time. Before enrolling in a college, make sure that the selected program is right for you. There are several questions that need to be addressed before a final decision is made. Choose two or three possible education choices and compare the answers to each of the following questions. · What programs does the institution offer? Some schools specialize in various careers. Check and see if the college offers the full program for your major choice or if you will need … Continue reading

Tips for Studying after Returning to College

One of the hardest parts of attending college while having small children is finding time to study and sleep. Many mothers find themselves spending late nights studying. In this article, I have offered a few tips on how to keep up with your academics after returning to college. Take your assignments in pieces and try to do a little each night instead of waiting and having to complete it all at once. It is much easier to set small goals for yourself on a daily basis. You can often squeeze in fifteen minutes of reading each day easier than you … Continue reading

Returning to College

College, marriage, and children, consecutively, can be difficult tasks to manage. However, these events occurring in a different order can make life very stressful. I completed my bachelor’s degree without dealing with marriage or children. When I completed my master’s degree, I was married with one child. The two experiences were very different. The differences were mostly due to the added responsibilities in my life. Yet, part of the difference was due to the fact that I was older and more experienced in life. Before returning to college, think about why it is that you are seeking more education. Are … Continue reading

Online Classes – The Up and Coming Trend

Education. It is such a powerful word. When it comes to our kids, we always want the best. After all, they are our kids. But what about us? Is it not important for us too? Did we give up our chances when we said “I do”? Well, if that is what you think, you are wrong! There are many opportunities out there for us to return to school – even with a family and the many obligations we have. One of the most popular choices for parents (or even working adults in general) is the slew of colleges offering online … Continue reading