More Online Learning Options

Online schooling is being recognized as a viable option not only for college, but also primary and secondary grades. Some opponents of virtual schooling especially in the early years have cited the lack of social outlets and peer to peer interaction as problematic. The wonderful minds behind online education have come up with some excellent ideas and resources for children to utilize in order to broaden their horizons. Some online schools now offer virtual clubs as well as field trips. A sampling of the clubs offered include: offers a wide variety of online clubs such as a science and chess … Continue reading

Homeschooling making Schools of the Future Possible

If you were an elementary school student in the 1970’s like I was, then you remember predictions of what it would be like to like in the year 2000. I remember dreams of moving sidewalks, I remember talk of hovering cars, I also remember predictions of being able to press a button and having dinner ready. Some of these technological advancements have come to pass on a small scale such as the moving walkways in airports and microwave dinners, but in general, they just turned out to be fairy tales… with one exception. I distinctly remember teachers talking about the … Continue reading

Technology in the Classroom

Technology is everywhere in today’s world. Cell phones, MP3 players, Ipods, and the Internet are the norm. Education is no exception. Most schools are now equipped with computer labs. Technology has now made its way into the academic curriculum. Along with math, English, science, social studies, and reading, teachers are now teaching technology skills. Many children are well capable of navigating through computer games when they begin school. Others use the Internet on a daily basis. Students have email addresses and computers at home. However, there is more to technology than surfing the web. Children need to know how to … Continue reading