Parent Night

Parental involvement in school is a key element to a student’s success. It is essential that parents know what their child is doing at school both academically and behavior wise. However due to working and busy schedules, some parents rarely step inside of their child’s classroom. Therefore, it is crucial that schools and teachers make every effort to get parents involved. Many children are now back at school. They have met their new classmates and new teacher. Because it is equally important for parents to also get acquainted with their child’s new class, many schools and teachers host back to … Continue reading

Middle School Students: Advice for Parents

I dread the day that my children reach the middle school years. I can remember by definite “know it all” early teens. I also know the attitudes of middle school children well from teaching them. The early teens and middle school years are very delicate and confusing for children. They are caught somewhere between childhood and adulthood. They still need the guidance from adults but often feel too mature or old to ask for it. If you have a child that will be entering middle school or you will be teaching middle school age children, I have listed some advice … Continue reading

Middle School Students: Advice for Teachers

In my previous blog, I began discussing the trials of middle school age children. I offered advice to parents who are dealing with a child entering middle school. In this article, I would like to address the persons who will be teaching middle school age children. Teaching middle school age students is an art. Most teachers either love it or hate and few are in between. Advice for Teachers: The most important part of being a middle school teacher is wanting to be one and being qualified for what you teach. Too often teachers are thrown into middle school without … Continue reading

Concerns of Public Education: P = Parents

Yesterday, I discussed parents as being a perk to public education. Today, I would like to move to the opposite end of the spectrum. Parents can also be a concern for education. Some parents actually cause more undesired behaviors than the children do. We have parents at our school, not from my room thankfully, that insist on not following the rules. The rule broken could basically be about anything. Some parents just feel that they are an exception to everything. Some parents will not follow the traffic flow and rules for dropping off and picking up their child. Other parents … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: P = Parents

I have chosen the same topic for the letter P for both perks and concerns of public education. I feel that parents can be on both sides. First, I would like to discuss parents as being a perk. This year for me has been wonderful in the department of parents. I have had very few complaints or issues that have arose with parents. In fact, I have had one parent that has been awesome to work with in my classroom. Parents can be very supportive for teachers. Parents can help out with extra classroom duties and lighten the load with … Continue reading

Parent Involvement: Primary Verses Middle

I am one of the fortunate teachers that has been allowed to explore both ends of the elementary education spectrum. I began my career as an eighth grade teacher and I am presently a kindergarten teacher. I feel very lucky to have had this opportunity. I now have seen the ‘whole picture’ and can identify with the people on the other end of the hallway. One differentiating aspect between primary and intermediate/middle education that I have found to be more worrisome than shocking is parent involvement. As an eighth grade teacher, I can remember walking the halls on parent teacher … Continue reading

Don’t Be Shocked About Grades- Stay Informed

It happens every year all over the country at every school in most every grade. Parents are completely shocked when their children comes home with a failing grade on his/her report card. The shock comes from two persons to blame- the parent and the teacher. There is no excuse for parents not to be continuously aware of how well (or not so well) their child is doing in school on both academic and behavioral terms. However many parents and teachers tend to wait to become educated on the situation until it is too late to be reversed. Once the grade … Continue reading

Homeroom Student Assignments

In most cases, the classroom roaster is not created by chance or by luck. Teachers and school administrators usually take much consideration into which children are placed into a classroom. Each school or county has a different procedure for assigning students to teachers. There are many different ways that a class can be created. Class Assignment by Test Scores Some school principals look at test scores when assigning students to a classroom teacher. They do their best to create equal amounts of high, medium, and low students in each class. A balanced class is not overpopulated with one level of … Continue reading

My First Spring Fling

One of the great things about being a first time mother is getting to experience all the “firsts” in your child’s life. That first walk without stumbling, those first attempts at speech and of course, the first successful attempt to use the potty. When your child starts school you have a whole new slew of firsts- first field trip, school day pictures, Spring Break. Working from home, I have been fortunate to have been able to be there for all of Tyler’s firsts. Today, I experienced another school-related first. Spring Fling. In my day, we called it May Day and … Continue reading

Attending the Arts Festival

Yesterday, I discussed what an Arts Festival consists of at my school. Today, I would like to share this year’s Arts Festival experience with you. Our festival began yesterday at 9:00 in the gym with a performance from the Nashville Ballet. I was very worried that a ballet would not hold the attention of my kindergartens. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The ballet was amazing. Introducing the students to this type of art was great. They loved it! The performers used ballet to tell the tales of Aesop’s fables. The ballet was full of excitement and humor. The day was … Continue reading