Does Michelle Obama’s Discipline Style Work for You?

In Barbara Walters’ interview with First Lady Michelle Obama, who she chose as the ‘Most Fascinating Person of 2009’, they had the opportunity to speak about parenting. Mrs. Obama admits to trying to spank her kids in the past but found it unproductive. She says that she now issues ‘lots of lectures’ in the place of spankings. I definitely understand where she’s coming from. While I am not against spanking, I can count the number of spankings I have given on one hand. For the most part, I found that spanking or the threat of it only works for some … Continue reading

Parents Outraged After School Imposes Late Fee

The monetary penalty is not being imposed on students who don’t return their library books on time or on those caught chewing gum in class. Rather, an elementary school in Portland, Oregon, is slapping parents with a fee if they are late picking up their kids from school. Running late because of a meeting at the office… Cha-ching! Lose track of time while chatting in the grocery store check-out line… Cha-cha-ching! Space out while tweeting about how your life consists of a series of endless errands, including picking up the kids from school… OMG! The kids! Cha-cha-cha-ching! According to news … Continue reading

How Far Would You Go To Pay For Your Kid’s Education?

Some parents would consider taking out a second mortgage on their homes or picking up a part-time job to help fund their child’s education, but a mom in Washington State has turned to another means to help raise cash for her son’s schooling—-begging. As in standing near a busy off-ramp near her Bellevue home and panhandling for cash. “Tuition help needed! Donate a few dollars!” Shelle Curley yells at drivers in an effort to raise nearly $47,000 so her son can attend one of the most prestigious dance schools in the country. According to reports, Curley’s 17-year-old son D.J. scored … Continue reading

Are You a Homeschooler at Heart? Answers

In my last post I made up a test to help you determine if you are a homeschooler at heart. I asked a series of questions that hopefully you answered and are now back to see the results. You may want to go to the previous post before continuing. As I am not an expert in administering surveys, the results were pretty straightforward. If you answered predominantly A’s you are least like a homeschooler. If you answered primarily with B, you have some tendencies that could lend to homeschooling, but you are more likely to work with the current school … Continue reading