Literacy Links

Who can argue that literacy is one of the greatest blessings we have, one of the most important skills we need to learn, a gift that we give ourselves and to our children, and that helping someone else learn to read one of the most satisfactory experiences we can ever have? The written word is an astonishing thing. You can become educated and entertained with a book, you can learn new skills, escape to another place, receive spiritual enlightenment, find friendship when you’re lonely — I can think of no other medium that can give us all these things. As … Continue reading

Substitute Teacher’s Corner: Discipline in the Classroom

Good morning and welcome to Monday, by the time you are reading this, I will actually be substituting today. Our local school is doing their TPRI testing to judge the reading level of the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students. Generally, this gives the teacher a sound idea of where the student is at with their reading, reading comprehension, sight words and phonics. ?The testing is pretty individualized and since the instructor has to judge each student individually that means they need a substitute teaching their lesson plan for the day. Which brings me to the topic at hand, discipline … Continue reading