Ideas for Science at Home

As you know, there are now ideas that a child’s attitude about science comes greatly from home. It is very important for parents to encourage scientific thinking in both boys and girls. Everyday is full of science learning opportunities for children. Parents can easily instruct children in scientific thinking without chemistry sets or expensive equipment. In this article, I would like to offer some very simple and easy ideas for parents to complete with their children to encourage a positive attitude about science. · Observe a flower or vegetable in your yard. Make estimations on how long it will take … Continue reading

Science Gender Gap

I have always heard that boys are better in math and science than girls. On the other hand, girls are better readers and writers. At one time, it was thought that the biology of men and women was the cause. However, some researchers believe differently. From a very early age boys are introduced to science. They are given tinker toys, Lego blocks and dinosaurs. Boys are given the opportunity to explore simple machines and racecars. Girls often miss out on this opportunity. Girls are flourished with dolls and arts and crafts. Girls lack the experience in science and feel that … Continue reading


Science is all around us. Studying and learning science helps us to understand the world around us. Science begins as a small infant begins to explore and question its surroundings. Science has brought us many inventions and cures. Science has two main parts. First, science is a process. It is the way we think and the way we learn. Second, science is content. It is the knowledge and information that we gain. Children need to learn both how to think and new knowledge in order to process their thoughts. Science also has much to do with terminology and vocabulary. There … Continue reading

Science-My Weakness

As a student, I never had much interest in science. My science teachers never really made it exciting and I struggled to make myself study and learn the subject. Of all subjects, science was always my weakest area. When I began my student teaching program, I received horrible news. Not only was I put in an eighth grade classroom but I was also assigned to teach science. After hearing the news, my stomach ached. I dreaded it more and more each day. However, it turned out that the placement was a blessing. I had to study hard at night to … Continue reading

Homeschooling My Gifted Son. . .When the Others Are Not

One of the biggest challenges in homeschooling our gifted son is our other children. They are bright. . .but not gifted. Perhaps it would be a little easier if our son was the oldest, but he’s not. My twins are too little to be homeschooled in the formal sense, and so that leaves Alex smack in the middle. The other day we were working on Math. Meghan, who is almost 4 is learning to recognize different coins. Lizzy, who is in 3rd grade, is working on making change. Meanwhile, Alex is contemplating other matters. He already figured out how much … Continue reading

Strength-Based Parenting

There are a wide variety of parenting styles to choose from. Parents can choose to raise their kids with the parenting style that they were raised with. Or, if they want something different, they can select a parenting style that matches their values and the needs of their kids. One option is called strength-based parenting. Lea Waters is the chair of positive psychology at University of Melbourne. She has written a book called “The Strength Switch”. The full title continues with “How The New Science of Strength-Based Parenting Can Help Your Child and Your Teen to Flourish”. The book is … Continue reading

Like a Kid in a Candy Store

When it comes to curriculum I am like a kid in a candy store. Educational stores are my weakness and a true threat to my budget. I see all the colors, pages, book covers, sizes and shapes and I want to look through every one of them. Picking one can be such a challenge as I want to pick only the best for my kids. At some point, I just have to bite the bullet and make a decision. For better or for worse, I pick out a science, math and language curriculum and close my eyes and pay. At … Continue reading

Gearing Up for Your First Home Schooling Year

So, you decided to make the big leap and home school your children? As significant as this decision was, you will be faced with many more as you embark on this journey. Here are some basic advice to guide you through the first questions and decisions you will face. Of course, things are not always this simple, but it’s best to keep our perspective and not get too overwhelmed. Home schooling is a learning experience for the parent as much as the child. What curriculum should I use? This is the question mainly asked by new home schooling parents. What … Continue reading

Student Inventors Awards

During the 16th annual ExploraVision awards, students from grades kindergarten through twelfth grade had the opportunity to show their talent, make their dreams come true, and win some cash. The students at the National Press Club are all inventors. The students bring their ideas and inventions for the judges to examine. Through judging, the judges are looking for ideas that can be used in the future and possibly created within the next twenty years. Among some of the ideas presented were a football game for blind players, a spray that would make healthy foods taste better, and a plan for … Continue reading

Spelling Matters for Parents Too

As focused as many of us parents are on our children’s education, we can sometimes be slackers with our own. Just because we have managed to get through high school or even college does not mean that the learning and improvements stop. How can we set an example for our children if we just throw up our arms and say “I’m a bad speller” or “I can’t do math”? We can still work on improving our skills and encouraging our children while we do so. I am not a naturally great speller. Fortunately, I do a lot of reading and … Continue reading