Does your Daughter get Sexually Harassed at School?

Sexual harassment can take many different forms, however, all actions are based on the social construction of inherited male power and gender conditioning. Unsolicited and unreciprocated male sexual behavior, directed toward females, is often regarded by some as a normal male practice. Such learned functioning undermines the autonomy of women and girls. This cannot remain unchallenged because it is hurting our daughters and affecting their learning at school. Sexual harassment occurs in school settings too, between male teacher to female student, male student to female teacher and from student to student. Australian research has shown a dominant school culture where … Continue reading

Should Textbooks Be Written To Include Homosexual Achievements?

I recently wrote a blog titled “Homosexual Agenda Being Promoted In Schools,” which has received a lot of debate. There is one part of this article that I want to address in more detail. It is concerning the rewriting of textbooks to specifically include accomplishments of homosexual individuals. This is something that the California Teachers Association is currently supporting. They are trying to get a bill passed that would require that history textbooks be rewritten to “include and highlight homosexual and transsexual historical figures.” Saying that, “Curriculum should address the common values of the society; promote respect for diversity and … Continue reading

Sexual Harassment in Schools

The last type of bullying I want to blog about is that of sexual bullying. Many people don’t realize that sexual harassment in schools is a widespread problem that many schools are dealing with throughout our country. Did you know that there are children in schools who are targeted because of their sexual orientation or because of their gender? Did you know it was even a problem at all? Teasing in school occurs often, and rarely is simple teasing considered a form of bullying. Teasing, while not always appropriate is often something kids do to another child in a way … Continue reading

How School Dress Codes Can Harm Your Daughter’s Education

Does the school your children attend have a dress code? Many of them do. Some schools opt for a specific, very limited, dress code. Others are a little less stringent. While a dress code might annoy your son, school dress codes can harm your daughter’s education. Here are some things for parents to watch out for. Ideally, a school dress code is designed to equalize students. Everyone has to wear the same type of uniform, with limited variations. (Typical variations include skirts for girls and pants for boys). Schools might choose to only allow clothing of specific colors. The goal … Continue reading

Are Your Teenage Girls Safe at Work?

A California girl just sued Starbucks for sexual harassment on the job. Her claim is that a 24 year old supervisor turned her into his sex toy. She felt like she could not say no and keep her job. Her manager eventually pleaded guilty and spent 4 months in jail. There are similar incidents all around the country. A Taco Bell Manager recently pleaded guilty to raping two 16 year old employees. They don’t always get away with it though. A 16 year old worker at a McDonald’s went to her mother about harassment and the manager was quickly fired. … Continue reading

When Should You be Informed?

During a teacher’s career he/she will encounter many different types of behavior issues and concerns from students. Some of which may tread on dangerous grounds such as those that tempt harassment. For example, in my career I have experienced students who used inappropriate comments to another student. I have also experienced students who used inappropriate actions against another student. Most of these acts were very innocent, especially those committed by small children. For example, just this week my school had a small child refer to taking off another child’s clothing. It is very likely that the student had no intentions … Continue reading

Are Parents To Blame For School Bullying?

Bad parenting is to blame for school bullying. At least in Japan, according to a recent Yomiuri Shimbun survey. It seems most of those surveyed believe bullying is caused by parents failing to teach their children social rules. Respondents were asked to select from eight choices what major factors they believed was the cause of bullying. Bad parenting received 65%, 55% cited children’s lack of empathy for others, 52% said parents not being aware of the suffering of their kids, 48% blamed insufficient capabilities of the teachers and 45% blamed the schools for evading their responsibility by concealing bullying cases. … Continue reading

Sticking Up For Your Kids: A Stand Against Bullying

“Kids will be kids” is no longer an acceptable excuse for bullying in elementary schools. In a recent study at University of Washington, Seattle, 3530 elementary students were surveyed and placed them into distinct groups: bullies, victims, bully-victims, and bystanders. 22% of the children surveyed said that they had been involved in bullying, as bullies, victims, or both. Children who reported a feeling of “not belonging” at school were significantly more at risk for being either a bully or a victim. All children who were involved in bullying reported feeling unsafe at school. Those who were bystanders had a much … Continue reading