More about Television Shows for Your Child

In my last article I had begun discussing how many shows on television geared for children are trying to take on a more educated stance. While parents can have a little less anxiety about letting their children watch these shows, picking them out of the crowd of the television line up may not be as easy as it seems. The article had started giving parents some ideas on how to choose appropriate shows for their children to watch on television. In addition to the tips listed in the last article there are a few more. Be careful about shows in … Continue reading

Choosing the Right Television Shows for Your Child

Television has changed greatly over the years. There is a wide variety and selection of broadcast viewing. This opening up of the television air waves has opened our world to both more enrichment and more negativity. The good part about the new outlook on television is that parents can have more confidence and a larger selection in choosing a show that is somewhat educating for their child. Many television shows geared for children now focus on teaching academic and life skills. The bad part is that parents have to also be very careful about inappropriate shows that seem to pop … Continue reading

Should Television Be Used in the Classroom?

We all know that schools, daycares, babysitters, and preschools allow children to watch television at some point to some extent. The question is should they? I am guilty. My kindergarten students do not watch television in my class on a daily basis. However, I have used the television for several different reasons. I have shown videos pertaining to our lesson as an instructional method. I have also used television as a treat for students during our daily snack time. In addition to these reasons, yes I have used it as a babysitter. Please let me explain!! Kindergarten children do not … Continue reading

Exercise Stress

Children are natural bundles of energy. They require lots of exercise to help develop their growing bodies. Exercise sharpens their minds and burns off the excess energy. When children return from recess they are able to be focused and listen actively in their classroom. Just because we graduate high school and get a job doesn’t mean we out grow the need for recess. We certainly don’t outgrow the need for physical activity, instead just seem to run out of time for it. While it is wise to consult your physician before diving into a tough exercise regiment, exercise is beneficial … Continue reading

Asperger’s Disorder: Basic Diagnostic Criteria

Asperger’s disorder is named for a Viennese physician, Hans Asperger, who published a paper describing it in 1944. The disorder is technically a subgroup under the larger diagnostic classification of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (sometimes called Pervasive Development Disorder). Hence, in simple terms, it is a milder form of Autism. Yet, in certain ways it differs from high-functioning Autism, standing out with several specific attributes. Here are six basic symptoms often seen in Asperger’s: 1. Severe impairment in reciprocal social interaction. The child with Asperger’s typically does not have or make friends appropriate for his age. He doesn’t use social “cues” … Continue reading