Good Sleep Habits

We all know how important it is for kids to get enough sleep at night. Without it they turn into the monster we want to hide in the closet. One of the most crucial things for kids as they are learning good sleeping habits is to have a strict bedtime routine. Kids thrive on consistency, it helps them feel comfortable and secure. The earlier you start the easier it will be, but because good sleep habits are so important, it is never too late help your child get into a routine. When kids have a bedtime routine they train their … Continue reading

My Co-Sleeping Story

I was reminded of my co-sleeping experience after reading this lovely post. I remember having the same fears of rolling over on my baby or the fear of suffocation if she got caught in between the mattress and headboard. I also feared my husband would rollover on the baby. So to alleviate these fears I decided not to co-sleep. But I did anyway. During some late nights or lazy afternoons, I would nurse while lying down and end up falling asleep with my baby. The more I did this the more I enjoyed sleeping with my baby. I did not … Continue reading

The Fight Against Sleep

Sleep is a difficult thing to understand. For some reason I don’t understand (though I’m sure science has its reasons) human beings need to spend a certain amount of each day in a state of inactivity. The fact that I find sleep, while refreshing, sort of annoying as an adult suggests that I can’t imagine a child’s confusion about he process. I used to, when I was younger, fight off sleep as something to be avoided. I couldn’t play with my toys while I slept, play games, or build towers and knock them down. Sleep, while important, has never seemed … Continue reading

OCD and Pregnancy

It’s normal for a new mom to check on the baby several times while he is sleeping, painstakingly wash her hands before picking him up, or triple check the brake on the stroller. But for some women, these habits turn into extreme habituals and are a sign of OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The hormones of pregnancy seem to trigger OCD in certain individuals, according to a recent study conducted at the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut. It may worsen the symptoms for some who already have it. Many people joke about having OCD, but the … Continue reading

Sleep and Habit Forming

This last week I’ve been setting my alarm clock a little earlier than normal. My attempt was to be up by five in the morning each weekday in order to work on the various writing projects I need to work on over the summer (in addition to the reading). I’ve been thwarted, however, by exhaustion. My wife and our son have been sick during the past weeks and apparently it was Dad’s turn. So my nose runs, I have a cough, there are headaches and droopy eyes. I don’t know why I intended to get up at five in the … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review for February 3 – 9

Good morning and welcome to Saturday. Whew, am I glad it’s the end of the week! I’m tired. There are a lot of things going on in my life right now, some good, some great and some that are not as bad as they could be. I found out more about my own health condition this week and I scheduled my surgery. I also started substitute teaching in my school district this week and that was a tremendous lot of fun! We’ve managed to pack so much into this week and next week and the week after, that I am … Continue reading

Herbal Sleep Aids: Valerian

Valeriana officinalis (more commonly known as valerian) has been long used as a tranquilizer. The plant is native to Europe, North America, and parts of northern Asia. It was popularly used in ancient Greece and Rome to treat heart conditions, and was hailed as a cure-all during the Middle Ages. Valerian is mainly used in treating the nervous system and calming the whole body. It can be used as a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, digestive toner, and sedative. If you have heard of or used valerian, it was probably in relation to sleep. Valerian can help you fall asleep more easily … Continue reading

Tiger Populations Dwindle In India

Animal conservation experts believe that India may have less than 1,500 tigers left — that is half the population from just five years ago. Conservationists are performing a state by state census of tiger populations in India and expect to have final results in December. However, tiger experts are estimating that there are only between 1,300 and 1,500 tigers left in the country. Wildlife experts and government officials agree on the estimate, which is a severe drop from the 2002 tiger population — 3,700 tigers. If the census is still going on, how do the conservationists have this estimate? Technology … Continue reading

Becoming a Parent Means Becoming Sedentary?

Don’t scoff, that’s what a recent study done by an exercise physiologist at the University of Pittsburgh. Apparently, when you get married – your workout habits are not likely to change, but when you become a parent, they change significantly. Now, don’t get upset – those of us who are parents recognize that this is a problem. Most moms struggle with the pregnancy weight and after one or more children, that struggle becomes omnipresent in their lives. As a new parent, you probably feel like you’re on the go, all the time. You barely sleep. You are being pulled in … Continue reading

Two Weeks: How to Stick It

Sticking it is a term used in gymnastics that refers to holding your position when you land from a dismount. So when we use the words stick it in exercise and fitness, we’re talking about sticking to the workout. Sticking to your bike ride. Sticking to your routine. Sticking to walking everyday. Sticking to going to an aerobics class. And you need to stick it for at least a couple of weeks. Two Weeks Two weeks is the magic number of weeks you need to stick to a workout routine so that you can develop the habit and so you … Continue reading