Standardized Tests: My Thoughts Continued

Yesterday I began my thoughts on standardized testing. I discussed how I feel that the test results affect the teachers more than the students. I feel that standardized tests on some scale are not bad. Teachers should be accountable for what their students learn. Standardized test are somewhat accurate when determining how well a teacher is relaying information to students. However, the tests should not be the sole evaluation. When it comes to TVASS and achievement scores, teachers will have ‘off’ years when the results are lower. However, the few teachers that I know of that repeatedly receive inadequate scores … Continue reading

Standardized Tests: My Thoughts

Over the past couple of days, I have defined standardized tests. I have also listed the factors that are argued for and against standardized testing. I am now a kindergarten teacher and I do not have to deal with standardized testing on the same level as third through eighth grades. My class participates in Dibels testing, which is individually given more often in shorter intervals. However, I taught eighth grade for four years and participated in standardized testing each year. I feel that standardized testing in my district affects the students’ individual academics very little. The test results are not … Continue reading

Pros of Standardized Testing

My past two articles have discussed the factors against standardized testing. While it may seem that there are many cons to standardized testing, there are also pros. If standardized testing were all cons, I would hope that it would not still be around. Many agree that some type of assessment is needed to measure if children are learning the required material. This assessment is not just to test what a child has learned but more what a teacher has taught. It would be very easy to come in and ‘play’ with the students all day. Knowing that there will be … Continue reading

Television Test Prep

Most school staff members and teachers will claim that students watch too much television. However, one middle school claims that television is the way to test preparation and learning. After the 2007 test scores showed William Wirt Middles School falling short both in English and math, the school decided a new review and test prep study was needed. Each Thursday, the school shows a one hour prerecorded lesson to its students. The teachers at the school alternate teaching the lesson. The lesson is televised to all classes and students in the school. This way the teachers can be assured that … Continue reading

Concerns of Public Education: V = valid Assessments

My “concerns for public education series” is ready for the letter V. My topic for V has been briefly addressed in the past. V will represent the concern of finding valid assessment in public education. As many of you know, I discussed the concerns of standardized testing in a previous article. Those concerns still exist and likely will for several years to come. Finding a test that gives unconditional valid results of student learning and knowledge as well as the teaching of educators is a great concern to administrators and overseers of public education systems. Finding a valid means of … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: April 21-27

This week a variety of topics were discussed in education here at We shared views on parent involvement with homework as well as standardized testing pros and cons. I began my series of articles on the A to Z perks and concerns of public education. I hope that you will continue to share your thoughts with me. Saturday, April 21 Why Parents Complete Work for Their Child: Reason 2 Parents complete work for their child for various reasons. Some parents complete work for their child because they are out too late at night and the child does not have … Continue reading