Teaching Fluency To Older Readers

It is no secret that reading is absolutely necessary in life. It can be very hard to get by in life without knowing how to read. Even the smaller things in life would be hard. Things like ordering off a menu or reading labels off of grocery cans at the store. Let’s face it – reading is a necessity! We have heard about reading tips for helping to build fluency in younger readers. But what happens when older students need to build fluency too? Here are some great tips for helping older students to build reading fluency: Partner reading is … Continue reading

Literacy Series: The Effect of Family on Literacy

According to the National Center for Literacy, children from lower income families will have, by the time they turn four, heard 32 million fewer words than children who were born into professional families. I don’t know how they arrived at that statistic, whether they followed these children around with a calculator, but the finding is pretty significant, regardless of how it was obtained. Another statistic from the same source says that one in five children under the age of five here in America lives in poverty. This lessens their access to proper education, books of their own, transportation to libraries, … Continue reading