The Danger of MegaSchools

There is a dangerous trend recently toward megaschools, schools that contain a large number of students at one school, anywhere from 500 to 2,000 students in one building. My own school district is considering doing this with our elementary school, and it scares me to no end. Megaschools can be convenient for school districts for a few reasons. A flux of incoming students can lead to overcrowding, and creating a new megaschool would address the problem, leaving room for further expansion. It is also usually more coast effective to create and maintain one megaschool than it is to renovate and … Continue reading

Common Items that May Be Outlawed at School

In the first week of second grade, my son was reprimanded by his teacher. It was not for talking or for not completing his work. It was for giving a gift to the teacher, one that was greatly appreciated by his teacher in first grade. Policy changes in school may make some common items illegal to bring or have in school. Some rules may make perfect sense to parents when items are outlawed, while others may leave you scratching your head in confusion. Some schools outlaw certain items, while others are perfectly fine with these things. Here is a guide … Continue reading

America’s Best Colleges for 2009

Are you wondering what the best colleges in the nation are? Did Harvard beat out Yale? Id your chosen school on the list? U.S. News & World Report has released a ranking of the best colleges in America for 2009. The ranking is based on data that was collected from more than 1,400 colleges. You can read below for some of the highlights, or visit the story on the U.S. News & World Report website. The link is below at the end of this post. This report is not simply a one to 100 type of listing. It breaks the … Continue reading

Will Obama Make Education Top Priority?

During his campaign, Barack Obama said that educational reform is an issue that is near to his heart, but will it be his number one priority? The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) doesn’t think so. The president-elect of the United States of America has a huge job ahead of him. He is inheriting the leadership of a country with many issues, from war to a falling economy, inadequate health care to students who are graduating unprepared for the workforce. The educational system is in crisis. Cuts in spending are being made all over the country by local boards of education due … Continue reading

National Teleconference to Discuss NCLB Regulations

Confused about No Child Left Behind and the new final regulations that are coming out? Officials from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) will be discussing the final regulations (Title 1 regulations) to strengthen the No Child Left Behind Act during a national teleconference. The public is invited to attend. The teleconference will be held on November 13th, 2008, between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. ET. You can call in any time between 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. that day. ED officials will discuss the new regulations and answer any questions that have either been e-mailed in advance or asked … Continue reading

New Plans to Graduate Kids in 10th Grade

The last two years of high school are generally spent preparing for college and enjoying the last hurrahs of senior year, but what if it were the first two years of high school, grades nine and ten where this took place, instead of grades 11 and 12? An announcement made by education officials of one state may speed up graduation from high school from senior year to sophomore year, with graduation at tenth grade instead of 12th. On October 30th, education officials in New Hampshire announced that they will be giving students a rigorous new series of state board exams … Continue reading