The Fight Over ‘Intelligent Design’

In Georgia this week, the Cobb Country school board abandoned what had been a 4 year legal battle. The School Board had put stickers in its science books saying, “Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be studied carefully, and critically considered.” The school board agreed to remove the stickers and never to put anything else in their science books which undermined the teaching of evolution. In return, the parents who sued over the stickers dropped their legal action. Interestingly, the school board placed the stickers in the books after a … Continue reading

Charles Darwin’s Race for Congress

I love our country and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, but I think most of us would admit that election time – especially a presidential election – is just crazy. For instance, some people said they voted for Obama and the screen automatically switched to Romney, or vice versa. In some voting venues, mysterious “Please have a photo ID ready” signs showed up, even though photo IDs were not required. Some people were concerned that the deceased may be casting votes and some Florida results are still not clear – almost a week after the elections. But, I heard … Continue reading

The Week In Review in Education: December 24

Merry Christmas to all! If you’re anything like me, last minute shopping, baking and present wrapping took over your life, and reading blogs fell to the back burner. To catch you up, here is this week’s education blog in review. We began by taking a look at whether or not there are any reasons under which your child’s school library should ban books. The most current debate seems to be over the popular Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. While some feel strongly that there are things that are simply inappropriate for a school library, others point out that our … Continue reading