Homeschooling on the iPad with Dew Learning

  What is Dew Learning? Dew Learning is first and only K-12 Christian Curriculum for the iPad and accessible through any internet device.  Exciting news for online learners and even more exciting for iPad owners who can take their entire curriculum with them wherever they go. Non-traditional schooling is just that…non-traditional.  Education takes place on the road, while swinging in the backyard, at the dinner table, library or a restaurant.  Now you never have to leave books behind or break your back trying to carry it all.  Dew Learning comes on the most portable device on the market to give you ultimate … Continue reading

Learning the Alphabet Part I

I am of the opinion, especially after teaching for five years, that learning should occur in the context of everyday living spurred by curiosity and creativity.  Learning should be fun and easy and never forced … if it can be helped. From the moment I found out the I was pregnant with my first baby, I was thinking about how and when I would start to introduce guided learning.   The most important and paramount concern that I had was finding a way to make learning fun and avoid the sense of dread and boredom that tends to come with formal … Continue reading

Teaching Toddlers Empathy

One important skill that we as parents can help our children to learn is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and experience the feelings of others, and to respond in helpful ways. No child is too young to begin learning about empathy. In fact, you have probably been modeling empathy for your child since the moment that she was born by being sensitive to her feelings and responding to her needs. As your toddler grows, she can begin to build on the empathy that you have shown her by reaching out to others in a caring way. Of course, … Continue reading

Learning by Experiences

One of the questions I get asked the most as a blogger who writes on homeschooling, education, and preschool is “what curriculum should I use for my 4 year old?” Some ask about curriculum choices for 2 and 3 year olds as well. It is all understandable. We want to provide the best for our children. Education is extremely important in a child’s life. Parents want to make the right decision. Starting an education at a young age is not to be discouraged. However, our view on what education is should be discouraged. Education does not equal a textbook. Education … Continue reading

Teaching Charity

I am a person who is deeply interested in the welfare of others. In that vein, I try to contribute to the welfare of others whenever possible. I volunteer for different causes that interest me. I make an effort to contribute to my community. I try to be kind, and I encourage my child to do the same. Since my daughter started having birthday parties at age four, she’s always donated to a particular cause for her birthday. Once, this was the local hospital for children. Twice, it’s been animal rescue organizations. This year she decided to raise money for … Continue reading

Learning to Stand Up for Yourself

I’ve never been very good at standing up for myself. I’m a pleaser, so I tend to let people walk all over me, my ex husband included. There have been many times that I have given in to him to avoid the contention that inevitably follows if I don’t. This is something I have struggled with for as long as I can remember, but I have finally come to the realization that it has to stop, because my needs are important too. Many times I have become so consumed with keeping the peace, that I forget to take care of … Continue reading

What Is Your Marriage Teaching Your Children?

An often overlooked area in a marriage is the influence it has upon the children. Have you ever really thought about the message you are sending your children concerning marriage? Marriage isn’t just about two people if you have children. Your marriage is a huge factor in decisions they will make in the future, including what to look for in a mate. How you treat your spouse speaks volumes to our children. If boys see their father as an overbearing, cruel husband…what do you think is going to happen when that little boy grows up? If girls see their mothers … Continue reading

Learning How to Keep House

Did anyone teach you how to keep house or did you just absorb it? I don’t remember anyone teaching me how to cook and clean, I was just surrounded by full time homemakers and I learned by watching them. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents when I was small and always “helped” my grandmother around the house. I’m not sure she would have called it help but she let me do it anyway. I was raised in a generation of women who were still mostly stay at home mothers. I saw women cooking, cleaning and doing laundry … Continue reading

A Great Place for Those Learning French or about France

Teaching a foreign language is a challenging job for a homeschool mom who is not bilingual herself. When you teach a foreign language you need all the support you can get or your student will have difficulty mastering the language. Immersing yourself in the language is best but the opportunity for that does not come easily for most. For those who are interested in speaking French or simply have a desire to learn more about France you have an opportunity to for an online immersion from a well qualified and amazing lady. Katie’s Language Café is a new site designed … Continue reading

Discipline and Learning

What punishment works best with your child? All children are different and they all respond differently to things. When Hailey was younger her favorite thing in the world was reading. If she broke a rule and I had to come up with a consequence, none of them really bothered her. No TV? That’s ok, I’ll just read. No video games? That’s ok, I’ll just read. Grounded to the house for two weeks? That’s ok, I’ll just read. It was so frustrating, after all, you really can’t ground a child from reading, well, you could, but what kind of parent would … Continue reading