Trends in Secondary Education: Specialization

If I said that the public education at the high school level must make serious reforms–no one should be shocked. The drop out rate is at an all time high. An 8th grader 50 years ago, knew more “basics” than your average high school senior graduating today. Educators have been calling for reforms for decades. The buzzword used to be “core knowledge”. Teach all the graduating kids the same rigorous core curriculum, to bridge the knowledge gap and you’ll turn out kids who are equally well prepared for college. The problem of course is who decides on what should be … Continue reading

Just When Could Youth Learn About Adoption and Life?

In a recent blog, I suggested that students be prepared for practical life—learning about parenting and adoption, community resources such as basic and emergency medical care, food and financial assistance, etc. (I do not think becoming aware of programs such as food stamps and WIC makes people who could work more likely to depend on these programs. Indeed, in my experience many people who rely on these programs are working, sometimes full-time, in lower-paying jobs–such as child care or social services, I might add!) I will say here that I do completely sympathize with the lament that schools are asked … Continue reading

High School – A Time Of Self-Discovery

High school students have a lot of pressure on them today. They are expected to know exactly what it is they want to do with the rest of their life. With all of this pressure, they often forget to slow down and explore their options. High school is a wonderful time to try new things and learn new skills. High school is all about new experiences and self-discovery. If your child is all stressed out about the rest of their life, they may miss out on the opportunity before them. There are certain requirements that every student must meet in … Continue reading

Changes in Public School Curriculum

What is going on with our public school system today? They seem to be changing daily but I often wonder if it is really for the best? Remember the good old days when we learned all about science, history, and art? Remember music and cursive writing? In Mr. Holland’s Opus, students are exposed to the wonderful world of music and find a passion they did not know they had. In today’s schools, this might not be an option. Music, along with so many other wonderful subjects are no longer taught in many schools today. In today’s classroom, it is all … Continue reading