Two Dedicated Hours

Since I have a family and my desk, library, and reading area are all next to the loud speakers in the main room our son plays basketball in, it has proved quite difficult to get work done in my “office.” While this seems like a small concern it is an important one. One of the things I am tasked with as a profession is processing a lot of information in an expedient way and with great panache. One of the things that changes when children enter the picture is the concept of “free time.” Free time for me is anytime … Continue reading

Blogging for Pay

Since I have come home to work, I have done a variety of jobs, and the steadiest income from those jobs has been from blogging. There are a lot of people who make a heck of a lot more than I do from blogging (think six figures here) but although I may not make the most, I think I still have lots to share with anyone who is looking into getting into the blogging business themselves. The more I learn, the more surprised I am at how much I didn’t know when I first got started. I stumbled around pretty … Continue reading

Think You’re Dedicated to the Job? You’ve Got Nothing on This Man…

I was just reading a news story, and it made me laugh. Maybe that’s horrible of me (you’ll find out why in just a second) but I couldn’t help myself. It just seems like something I would do. A janitor in Poughkeepsie, New York, was mopping the floor on Friday night, the 23rd of February, when the door swung shut behind him. That wouldn’t be so bad, except the room was a “secure room,” meaning the door locked from the outside when it shut behind him. To top it all off, he left his cell phone in his coat pocket, … Continue reading

The Preschool TV Battle is Heating Up

Your preschooler may be more powerful than you think. At least when it comes to watching television. According to Nielsen Media Research, children ages 2 to 5 spend an average of 32 hours in front of a TV each week. For cable networks this means big business.  In the past five years, a slew of channels dedicated to preschool programming have inundated the market.  Since 2000, Nick Jr. has continually garnered the highest Nielsen ratings.  The Viacom-owned channel is dedicated solely to preschool children and is home of the mega-hit show “Dora the Explorer.” Riding the wave of popularity with … Continue reading

Splat Says Thank You!

How do you know if your child understands the true meaning of Thanksgiving? Before digging into their Turkey Day spread, many families go around the dinner table and share moments of gratitude. Kids are then put on the spot and forced to share one thing they are thankful for while a gaggle of extended guests stare them down. The end result: Typically, a long stretch of silence followed by a string of “ums,” “ers,” “ahs,” and more silence. If you are lucky, you’ll hear a barely audible, “toys” or a regurgitation of whatever the person ahead of your shy child … Continue reading

Balancing Home And Work Is Not Always Easy

If you work from home in addition to being a stay at home parent, you might feel overwhelmed sometimes. Raising kids is a full time job, and aside from nap time (if your child still takes naps) you may not be able to get much work done until after the kids are in bed. Also, as an adult member of the household, you probably have quite a few chores that you are responsible for. Add in trying to find time to exercise, time to pursue your own interests, and time to spend with your spouse or partner and there are … Continue reading

Find A Vet on Pet Advocate

I’ve talked – extensively – about how important it is to find a good veterinarian. I’ve done that, however, without offering much advice about how to do so. Finding a good vet (or doctor, or dentist, or anything) is always tricky if you’re new to an area, or if you’re the only person you know who has pets. I went through it myself. When I first moved here I only knew one other person who had a pet, and she doesn’t take her cat to the vet very often. She’s the one who recommended the low-cost clinic to which I … Continue reading

Pet Pardons

Are you a sucker for animal rescue stories? You all know I am. I post them here all of the time. However, I can’t keep up with the constant flood of good news, and even if I could that would mean I’d never post anything else on the Pets blog. As tempting as that sounds, it’s important that I keep my articles diverse. So today I’m going to profile a new website, Pet Pardons, that provides animal rescue stories 24/7. Now, you’re not likely to find many tales of hero dogs alerting their owners to midnight fires on Pet Pardons. … Continue reading

Thoughts on September 11

As most Americans, I was greatly impacted by the events that took place on September 11, 2001. I was a college student at the time, innocent to the thoughts that we (americans) had enemies. I felt safe, and secure, and hardly gave terrorism a second thought. Then, while getting ready for class that morning, I turned on the TV. The first tower had just been hit, and I thought it was a horrible accident, and then I saw the second plane hit, and I was instantly afraid. Since that time, the events of that day kind of faded for me. … Continue reading

The Crib Bedding Dilemma

After buying a crib bedding set for the arrival of our son and after realizing that we may never again have a dedicated nursery (our two children will be sharing for awhile at least), I have decided that all those uber cute themed nursery sets are not for me or my psuedo nursery. I like things to match and the only way to guarantee the longevity of matching bedding is to go white. I am realizing that going white is easier said than done. After spending countless hours on-line trying to find “white” crib bedding that is modern, clean, and … Continue reading