Teaching Learning Disabled Kids To Read

Trying to teach a learning disabled child to read can be a frustrating experience. When our oldest came to us, he was a poor student. His report card read D’s and F’s across the board. He detested reading and refused to even try to enjoy anything involving the printed word. A big part of Randy’s aversion was his discomfort in doing it. He felt inferior because he had poor reading skills. He didn’t have a good foundation to build on; no one read to him as a child and he was never encouraged to read. He was never taken on … Continue reading

2006 in Review: Homeschooling Blog at a Glance

As a new homeschooling blogger at Families.com, I wanted to know everything that has been discussed to date. In response to my own curiosity, and in an effort to make perusing our articles easier for you, our readers, I have compiled all of the blogs for the year 2006. Deciding to Homeschool Why homeschool Am I qualified for this? Reasons that Homeschooling Works! My Most Important Advice for Homeschoolers. The Cost of Homeschooling Instead of standing up for their own kids, why not stand up for all kids? Disclaimer: I am hardly an expert in education. Did You Know? ‘Empirical … Continue reading

Michigan Toughens-Up on High School Graduation Requirements

It seems that everywhere we look in education, the requirements are toughing and higher standards are being placed into lower grade levels. While kindergarten children are now learning to read and seventh and eighth grade children are taking high school math courses, high school students are also facing tougher requirements to graduate. Just recently, seventh grade students in Tennessee attended meetings with their parents about new graduation requirements for high school diplomas. Michigan too is seeing some new standards placed into the high school credit requirements for a graduating diploma. Some students feel that they are being forced to fit … Continue reading

Departmentalized Teaching

In my previous article, I discussed the teaching method that I encountered during my eighth grade years. I refer to this method as semi-departmentalized. In this article, I will discuss the method that I consider to be complete departmentalized. Most high school and middle school teachers teach using a departmentalized method. In a departmentalized grade, all subjects are taught by a different teacher during a different block of time. For example, one teacher will teach math while different teachers teach English, history, science, and reading. In some cases, reading, spelling, writing, and language arts are all combined into the same … Continue reading