What Can Be Done About Tattling?

Tattling can top the list of bothersome behaviors for many parents—even only children are not exempt from learning the power that comes with tattling on neighbor children and friends. If you have more than one child, you are pretty much guaranteed that tattling will come into play in the family dynamics. But there are things that parents can do to help to diminish and negate tattling… Keep in mind that a child’s tattling might be about getting attention, but it is mostly about power and control. It is about trying to get someone to do what he or she wants … Continue reading

Why Do Students Tattle?

Tattling is an issue that most kindergarten and primary teachers confront on a daily basis. The topic is very touchy because of the very thin line separating when a child should tattle and when a child should not tattle. At the beginning of each school year, I have to discuss with my students that tattling is not allowed unless someone is hurt or in danger. Tattling occurs among different children for different reasons. Some children, especially brothers and sisters, tattle to try to get other children in trouble. This is usually done for revenge or spite. The two children may … Continue reading

Talk of Tattling in the Forums

There are many childhood phases that parents and teachers and child caregivers must endure. One of those phases is well known and often barely tolerated by adults. As those of you who keep up with the forums know, tattling can get the best of all of us. The discussion listed in the Ages and Stages 3-5 year old forum is about how to handle tattling. Like with most childhood milestones and phases, everyone has a different point of view. If five childhood psychologists were interviewed, they would all probably tell you something different to do about the issue. Some suggest … Continue reading

How to Handle a Tattling Student

On a regular basis, tattling can be a problem. Children and adults alike can become very frustrated with a tattler. If you have a child that is a compulsive tattler, there are some things that you can do to try to get the tattling under control. Before reprimanding the child for tattling, make certain that you are clear about what behavior it is that you do not desire. You never want to give the child the impression that he/she cannot come to you for help or in times of trouble. Although you can realize that there is a huge difference … Continue reading