To Save the Children (1994)

Often, when I read a book that has been made into a movie, I hunt down the movie as well. This was the case with “To Save the Children.” Immediately after finishing the book “When Angels Intervene to Save the Children,” I went to Netflix and put the movie in queue. Richard Thomas plays David Young, a man with startling intellect and wild ideas. David believes that if he kills himself along with several children, they will all be reincarnated and he will become their god in the next life. His wife, Dorsie, has always gone along with his schemes, … Continue reading

School Shooting

Another tragedy hit our education system today with shootings at Virginia Tech. At a little after seven o’clock this morning a call was made to the campus police reporting a shooting at West Amber Johnson residence hall. While the shootings were being investigated, another report came in from shootings across campus at classrooms in Norris Hall. Altogether, 32 people were killed and over 20 more were injured. The single shooter is also dead. It has not been confirmed yet if the shooter took his on life or was shot by police. However, this may be the worst campus shooting in … Continue reading

The Most Talked About Blogs in Education for 2006

We bloggers love when our readers leave comments. Whether you agree or disagree, this is a community that embraces discussions. I know that I always look for the blogs with lots of comments not only to read what the blogger has written, but to read what others think. With that said, here is a list of the most talked about blogs in education for 2006. Hot Button Issues Are Teachers Over Paid? The Good, the Bad, and the Inappropriate: Banning Books from Your Child’s Library Would Schools Be Safer with Stricter Gun Control Laws? To Separate or Not to Separate: … Continue reading